Monday, June 28, 2010

Press Briefing

Jun 29, 2010

WH: Elena Kagan's Opening Testimony

Sarbox Survives - A modest victory for Presidential power

The Supreme Court's Gun Showdown - Privileges or Immunities Clause

The White House Blog - President Obama on the Loss of Senator Robert Byrd: "A Voice of Principle and Reason"

King of Pork—and Proud of It - Robert Byrd made the most of his time in the Senate

The President's Plan to Increase Spectrum - Technology & the Economy

Panetta's Bomb - Now the CIA tells us Iran is going nuclear, and sanctions won't work

Cutting Waste by Reforming IT

Afghanistan: Eyes Wide Shut - Federal President's ambivalence toward the war is energizing our enemies and undermining our allies

The White House Blog - Improved Access to Preventive Care for Seniors

Five Gun Salute - The High Court's four liberals are holding out to overturn Heller

IMF Analsyt Study: Currency Hedging for International Portfolios. By Jochen M. Schmittmann
Summary: This paper examines the benefits from hedging the currency exposure of international investments in single- and multi-country equity and bond portfolios from the perspectives of German, Japanese, British and American investors. Over the period 1975 to 2009, hedging of currency risk substantially reduced the volatility of foreign investments at a quarterly  investment horizon. Contrary to previous studies, the paper finds that at longer investment horizons of up to five years the case for hedging for risk reduction purposes remained strong.In addition to its impact on risk, hedging affected returns in economically meaningful magnitudes in some cases.

The End of Community Banking - Creditworthy borrowers will be denied loans as small banks devote more and more energy to regulatory compliance

White House Open For Questions: Energy and Climate Legislation with Heather Zichal

Stopping the Slick, Saving the Environment: A Framework for Response, Recovery, and Resiliency

U.S., Pakistan Hold Strategic Dialogue on Health Issues

Will Elena Kagan Defend the Rule of Law?

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