Deutsche CEO: West's Levies on Banks May Lift Asia's Role. By ALISON TUDOR And PETER STEIN
WSJ, Jul 18, 2010
HONG KONG — Asia's already rising importance as a profit center for financial services could gain more momentum as governments in the U.S. and Europe levy new taxes on global banking profits, according to Deutsche Bank AG Chief Executive Josef Ackermann.
"The relative importance of Asia will even increase" as a result of regulatory moves against banks in the West, Dr. Ackermann said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. "Asian countries would be well advised not to copy levies which are so popular in many other parts of the world."
The German bank's chief , who has become a prominent voice for bank interests in the wake of the financial crisis and heads the global lobby group Institute of International Finance, was in Hong Kong to attend the listing ceremony Friday for Agricultural Bank of China Ltd.
The levies cumulatively could translate into a substantial hit for lenders with branches in many countries, such as Deutsche Bank, which generates about three-quarters of its revenue outside of its home market, Dr. Ackermann said. Instead, he called for a home bias to the levies because the country of domicile was the one called on most to help out in the banking crisis.
Emerging markets could even take advantage of the backlash against banks in the West to grab market share in financial services, he said. "A lot of governments are determined, including the Chinese, to build up financial hubs at a time when other countries are more skeptical about the financial sector," he said, noting that Turkey and Russia are making similar advances.
Dr. Ackermann also warned that the war for talent in Asia is causing a bubble in bankers' compensation that is detrimental to the industry, even as he hired another rainmaker to keep business flowing.
Late Sunday, Deutsche Bank named Henry Cai its corporate-finance chairman for Asia as well as head of its corporate and investment bank in China. Mr. Cai is known as one of China's most consistent deal makers and is well-connected with the business and political elites in Beijing. He resigned from UBS AG in recent weeks as investment-banking chairman for Asia. It isn't known how much he will be making at Deutsche Bank.
Other senior banking executives in Asia complain that increasing competition for talent in the region is leading to excessive pay packages for bankers working in such areas as mergers and acquisitions and initial public offerings. Compensation, a key cost for banks, can cause serious problems for management when one division's or one region's pay is out of kilter with the rest. The buzz over bankers' pay in Asia comes at a time when governments in the U.S. and Europe are seeking to curb excesses that in recent years contributed to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
"If the industry pushes compensation levels up by just poaching people from each other, in the long term it is not a sustainable model and not good for the culture of banks in the region," Dr. Ackermann said.
To combat this problem, Deutsche Bank has started recruiting more Asian graduates with the aim of steeping them in the bank's culture and later returning them to the region to run its businesses.
"It's not a short-term solution. It may take up to five years to see the first successes, but that is what we are working on," said Dr. Ackermann, who was also in Asia to give a speech at an International Monetary Fund conference in South Korea.
Like other banks weighing the prospects of the global economy, Deutsche Bank has made boosting its operations in Asia a top priority. "Europe's slow economic growth and the very competitive environment in the U.S. means Asia is a very attractive market, so it would be unwise not to do everything we can to be part of the market," Dr. Ackermann said.
The German bank is targeting four billion euros ($5.17 billion) in annual revenue from the Asian-Pacific region excluding Japan by next year, about double the amount it generated from the region in 2008.
Deutsche Bank already has a strong foothold, with operations in 17 Asian countries and over 17,000 employees.
Local regulators restrict foreign banks in ways that allow them to earn only about a third of their potential revenues, according to a recent report by consultancy McKinsey & Co., so the banks need to be careful not to compete in the same niches, such as high-profile underwriting deals in financial centers like Hong Kong. Deutsche Bank says only about 5% of its revenue in Asia comes from "public" deals such as initial public offerings.
One such deal that Deutsche Bank was involved in was the IPO for AgBank, which began trading Friday in Hong Kong. Clients like AgBank and Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., which Deutsche Bank also helped take public four years ago, are potential competitors as their business grows in scope and sophistication.
"I have no doubt [China's banks] want to first strengthen their domestic operations by moving towards more fee income then expand internationally gradually," Dr. Ackermann said. "We will also be confronted with stronger competitors coming from China."
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Somali Militant Group Built Training Camps, al Qaeda Links
Somali Militant Group Built Training Camps, al Qaeda Links. By WILL CONNORS in Kampala, Uganda, SIOBHAN GORMAN in Washington, D.C., and SARAH CHILDRESS
WSJ, Jul 17, 2010
The terror group behind last weekend's deadly Uganda blasts recruited a local man to coordinate the attacks and received funds from al Qaeda, say investigators, as it extends its reach beyond lawless Somalia.
Al Shabaab, the Somalia-based group that has claimed responsibility for July 11's triple suicide blasts that killed 76 people in Uganda's capital, Kampala, has in recent months built up Pakistan-style terror training camps. One top leader, Sheikh Muktar Robow, has helped to transform the group from a local insurgency into a global jihadist organization modeled on, and swearing allegiance to, al Qaeda.
That picture of the group, and its development under Mr. Robow, emerged from interviews with Ugandan, Kenyan and U.S. investigators; current and former U.S. intelligence officials; and Somalis, including a member of the militant group.
A U.S. intelligence official said information gleaned from militant communications shows links between al Shabaab and al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan and Yemen. U.S. officials also see evidence of overlap in training and membership and say their working assumption is that al Shabaab has several hundred core members, similar to the numbers in al Qaeda in Pakistan and in al Qaeda's Yemeni outpost.
Intelligence officials say they believe al Qaeda is using the Somali group as a symbiotic host body, allowing its operatives access to other African countries. "As much as we're looking at al Shabaab, they are riding on the back of a more experienced player," said Col. Herbert Mbonye, the director of counterterrorism for Uganda's military intelligence body.
That relationship has raised red flags at U.S. intelligence agencies. In the past 18 months, militant training camps have emerged in Somalia similar to those that developed in Pakistan's tribal areas, a U.S. intelligence official said. Intelligence officials are now following about two dozen individuals from the U.S. and other Western countries who may have been affiliated with al Shabaab, or gone through these camps.
"It's quite an alarming story," the U.S. intelligence official said.
Al Shabaab's relationship with al Qaeda appears to have been cultivated in part by Mr. Robow, a top commander. Also known as Abu Mansur, he is among the U.S. government's most wanted terrorists.
Mr. Robow offered a warning of sorts ahead of Sunday's blasts, which hit a restaurant and a sports club where people had gathered to watch the final match of the World Cup. Speaking during a public address at Friday prayers earlier this month, Mr. Robow called for attacks against countries that had sent some 6,000 troops under African Union auspices to support the Somali government's offensive against al Shabaab. "We tell the Muslim youths and Mujahedeen, wherever they are in the Muslim world, to attack, explode and burn the embassies of Burundi and Uganda," Mr. Robow said, according to local media reports.
Mr. Robow grew up in southern Mogadishu as a devoted student of the Quran, according to public speeches he has made. He studied law at the University of Khartoum in Sudan, and then returned to Mogadishu to teach Arabic for several years. He is about 40, U.S. officials believe, based on a birth date on an Eritrean passport he used.
In 2000, Mr. Robow traveled to Afghanistan to train with the Taliban and al Qaeda, which used the strife-torn South Asian country to plot the Sept. 11 attacks in the U.S. In Afghanistan, Mr. Robow learned to fight, fire a sniper rifle and conceal roadside bombs, an al Shabaab official in Somalia said. He stayed less than a year, leaving before U.S.-led forces swept into Afghanistan.
Back in Somalia, Mr. Robow became a member of the Union of Islamic Courts, which aimed to establish strict Shariah law in the country, which had been largely lawless for a decade. The group came to power in 2006. Mr. Robow helped to establish an Islamist government and founded al Shabaab, a youth brigade that would serve as the union's armed wing.
The Islamist government soon collapsed. Al Shabaab endured. Mr. Robow, a skilled orator, became an al Shabaab spokesman and eventually deputy commander.
Al Shabaab, which controls vast territory in Somalia, has been engaged in a running battle with Somalia's transitional federal government. The group has pinned the government to a strip of the capital, Mogadishu, and largely prevented officials and parliament from meeting.
Beyond his ambition to overthrow Somalia's government, Mr. Robow has advocated linking the group's ambitions to global jihad. Through media interviews and in videos posted online, he sought to attract fighters in Afghanistan, Chechnya and Iraq, largely because foreign recruits could replenish al Shabaab's ranks and aid its finances. In a 2008 interview, he lamented that there "are not enough non-Somali brothers."
The same year, the U.S. Treasury Department declared al Shabaab a terrorist group and named Mr. Robow its "spiritual leader." Mr. Robow later released a statement saying the group was "honored" to be included on the list but expressed disappointment al Shabaab wasn't ranked higher.
Senior U.S. administration officials said some foreign fighters who answered Mr. Robow's calls—some of whom have "close links" with al Qaeda—came with experience, funding and the agenda of establishing Somalia as a base from which to attack Western targets.
The foreigners also brought new tactics. Roadside bombs and suicide blasts, once unheard-of in Somalia, are now part of al Shabaab's armory. The group's commanders have banned dancing, mustaches and, most recently, watching World Cup games on television. Fighters punish offenders with floggings or public amputations.
On Wednesday, armed al Shabaab fighters drove through towns in southern Somalia, blaring a warning to residents through megaphones mounted on their vehicles, according to witnesses contacted by telephone. "You must collaborate with [us] and allow your sons to fight the enemy of Allah," Abu Maryama, a senior al Shabaab official told crowds in the southwestern town of Baidoa. "If you pay no heed to this …you will be considered as another enemy and face punishment."
Harsh retribution and indiscriminate deaths have sapped public support for the group, and created rifts within it. Mr. Robow has been caught between those who want to focus the insurgency in Somali—and retain a measure of popular support— and the global jihadists who don't care about local backing, according the al Shabaab colleague. Mr. Robow, a Somali who has long opposed foreign intervention in his country, may not be considered radical enough for the new agenda, according to a recent report by the International Crisis Group, a Brussels based think tank.In the Uganda attack, the group's two factions apparently found middle ground.
The blasts have presented U.S. officials with a quandary. They see a need to step up support and involvement in the region, but they haven't determined the best course. "Violence always breeds urgency," the U.S. intelligence official said. "The question is: What [to do]?" The U.S. has been tracking al Shabaab and al Qaeda in Somalia for years, officials say. The Central Intelligence Agency works with military special forces units to collect intelligence and pinpoint targets, a former senior intelligence official said. The U.S. also works closely with the Ethiopian and Kenyan governments on counterterrorism operations.
Those efforts have grown in recent years as U.S. officials discovered as many as 20 Americans from Minnesota making their way to Somalia, including one who was determined to have been among five suicide bombers in an October 2008 attack in northern Somalia.
The intelligence-gathering paid off last year when U.S. Special Forces killed Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, a top operative linked to both al Qaeda and al Shabaab who was believed to be linked to 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.
But U.S. Special Forces units and intelligence officials have been grappling with a broader response to the growing terror threat from Somalia. Calling in airstrikes could fuel retaliatory measures against a weak Somali government. It could also stir up anti-U.S. sentiment that would advance the group's agenda, said the U.S. intelligence official.
"If you strike a camp, it makes you feel good, but what do you do the next day?" the official said. "You don't effectively eliminate the threat."
On Thursday, an al Shabaab leader underscored that point, delivering a message on the radio in Mogadishu congratulating what he called the Martyr Saleh Nabhan Brigade for the Kampala attacks.
Intelligence agencies have warned about al Shabaab's growing ambition to attack other countries—particularly Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya—as well as the West, the U.S. intelligence official said.U.S. intelligence hadn't picked up many direct threats against Uganda, but there has been a general concern about attacks targeting countries that supply troops to A.U. forces.
Investigators in Uganda say they are questioning a Ugandan man, Ali Isa Ssenkumba, who they say has confessed to helping plan the attacks.
Mr. Ssenkumba, who is in his late thirties and hails from a farming community outside Kampala, told investigators he was recruited by Somali men who persuaded him that he could have success in business in Somalia, according to a Ugandan military official close to the investigation.
Posing as a businessman, Mr. Ssenkumba made frequent trips to Somalia, where he attended an al Shabaab training camp, the Ugandan official said. Mr. Ssenkumba told investigators many other Ugandans are at al Shabaab's Somalia training facilities.
This person says Mr. Ssenkumba become familiar with guards at the borders between Uganda and Sudan and Uganda and Kenya, and received money and coordinated logistics for roughly two dozen al Shabaab members in Uganda who are suspected of plotting the triple suicide blast. Mr. Ssenkumba said, and investigators say they separately determined, that the attack was partially funded by informal money transfers from al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
Police in Kenya said they arrested Mr. Ssenkumba last week, before the attack, and handed him over to Ugandan investigators Tuesday, after the bombings.
According to Nicholas Kamwende, the commanding officer of Kenya's anti-terrorism police unit, Mr. Ssenkumba walked up to an immigration officer on the Kenya-Somalia border some time before the Kampala attacks and turned himself in.
"He said he didn't want to stay any longer with al Shabaab, that he wanted to go home," Mr. Kamwende said. "We didn't have anything to hold him on and we thought the Ugandans would be in a better position to exploit what he knew."
Mr. Ssenkumba wasn't made available to comment and it wasn't immediately apparent whether he was represented by a lawyer. Neither Mr. Kamwende nor Ugandan officials would say whether Mr. Ssenkumba provided information before the impending attack. Ugandan officials say Mr. Ssenkumba didn't turn himself in voluntarily.
—Nicholas Baryio in Kampala and Keith Johnson in Washington contributed to this article.
WSJ, Jul 17, 2010
The terror group behind last weekend's deadly Uganda blasts recruited a local man to coordinate the attacks and received funds from al Qaeda, say investigators, as it extends its reach beyond lawless Somalia.
Al Shabaab, the Somalia-based group that has claimed responsibility for July 11's triple suicide blasts that killed 76 people in Uganda's capital, Kampala, has in recent months built up Pakistan-style terror training camps. One top leader, Sheikh Muktar Robow, has helped to transform the group from a local insurgency into a global jihadist organization modeled on, and swearing allegiance to, al Qaeda.
That picture of the group, and its development under Mr. Robow, emerged from interviews with Ugandan, Kenyan and U.S. investigators; current and former U.S. intelligence officials; and Somalis, including a member of the militant group.
A U.S. intelligence official said information gleaned from militant communications shows links between al Shabaab and al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan and Yemen. U.S. officials also see evidence of overlap in training and membership and say their working assumption is that al Shabaab has several hundred core members, similar to the numbers in al Qaeda in Pakistan and in al Qaeda's Yemeni outpost.
Intelligence officials say they believe al Qaeda is using the Somali group as a symbiotic host body, allowing its operatives access to other African countries. "As much as we're looking at al Shabaab, they are riding on the back of a more experienced player," said Col. Herbert Mbonye, the director of counterterrorism for Uganda's military intelligence body.
That relationship has raised red flags at U.S. intelligence agencies. In the past 18 months, militant training camps have emerged in Somalia similar to those that developed in Pakistan's tribal areas, a U.S. intelligence official said. Intelligence officials are now following about two dozen individuals from the U.S. and other Western countries who may have been affiliated with al Shabaab, or gone through these camps.
"It's quite an alarming story," the U.S. intelligence official said.
Al Shabaab's relationship with al Qaeda appears to have been cultivated in part by Mr. Robow, a top commander. Also known as Abu Mansur, he is among the U.S. government's most wanted terrorists.
Mr. Robow offered a warning of sorts ahead of Sunday's blasts, which hit a restaurant and a sports club where people had gathered to watch the final match of the World Cup. Speaking during a public address at Friday prayers earlier this month, Mr. Robow called for attacks against countries that had sent some 6,000 troops under African Union auspices to support the Somali government's offensive against al Shabaab. "We tell the Muslim youths and Mujahedeen, wherever they are in the Muslim world, to attack, explode and burn the embassies of Burundi and Uganda," Mr. Robow said, according to local media reports.
Mr. Robow grew up in southern Mogadishu as a devoted student of the Quran, according to public speeches he has made. He studied law at the University of Khartoum in Sudan, and then returned to Mogadishu to teach Arabic for several years. He is about 40, U.S. officials believe, based on a birth date on an Eritrean passport he used.
In 2000, Mr. Robow traveled to Afghanistan to train with the Taliban and al Qaeda, which used the strife-torn South Asian country to plot the Sept. 11 attacks in the U.S. In Afghanistan, Mr. Robow learned to fight, fire a sniper rifle and conceal roadside bombs, an al Shabaab official in Somalia said. He stayed less than a year, leaving before U.S.-led forces swept into Afghanistan.
Back in Somalia, Mr. Robow became a member of the Union of Islamic Courts, which aimed to establish strict Shariah law in the country, which had been largely lawless for a decade. The group came to power in 2006. Mr. Robow helped to establish an Islamist government and founded al Shabaab, a youth brigade that would serve as the union's armed wing.
The Islamist government soon collapsed. Al Shabaab endured. Mr. Robow, a skilled orator, became an al Shabaab spokesman and eventually deputy commander.
Al Shabaab, which controls vast territory in Somalia, has been engaged in a running battle with Somalia's transitional federal government. The group has pinned the government to a strip of the capital, Mogadishu, and largely prevented officials and parliament from meeting.
Beyond his ambition to overthrow Somalia's government, Mr. Robow has advocated linking the group's ambitions to global jihad. Through media interviews and in videos posted online, he sought to attract fighters in Afghanistan, Chechnya and Iraq, largely because foreign recruits could replenish al Shabaab's ranks and aid its finances. In a 2008 interview, he lamented that there "are not enough non-Somali brothers."
The same year, the U.S. Treasury Department declared al Shabaab a terrorist group and named Mr. Robow its "spiritual leader." Mr. Robow later released a statement saying the group was "honored" to be included on the list but expressed disappointment al Shabaab wasn't ranked higher.
Senior U.S. administration officials said some foreign fighters who answered Mr. Robow's calls—some of whom have "close links" with al Qaeda—came with experience, funding and the agenda of establishing Somalia as a base from which to attack Western targets.
The foreigners also brought new tactics. Roadside bombs and suicide blasts, once unheard-of in Somalia, are now part of al Shabaab's armory. The group's commanders have banned dancing, mustaches and, most recently, watching World Cup games on television. Fighters punish offenders with floggings or public amputations.
On Wednesday, armed al Shabaab fighters drove through towns in southern Somalia, blaring a warning to residents through megaphones mounted on their vehicles, according to witnesses contacted by telephone. "You must collaborate with [us] and allow your sons to fight the enemy of Allah," Abu Maryama, a senior al Shabaab official told crowds in the southwestern town of Baidoa. "If you pay no heed to this …you will be considered as another enemy and face punishment."
Harsh retribution and indiscriminate deaths have sapped public support for the group, and created rifts within it. Mr. Robow has been caught between those who want to focus the insurgency in Somali—and retain a measure of popular support— and the global jihadists who don't care about local backing, according the al Shabaab colleague. Mr. Robow, a Somali who has long opposed foreign intervention in his country, may not be considered radical enough for the new agenda, according to a recent report by the International Crisis Group, a Brussels based think tank.In the Uganda attack, the group's two factions apparently found middle ground.
The blasts have presented U.S. officials with a quandary. They see a need to step up support and involvement in the region, but they haven't determined the best course. "Violence always breeds urgency," the U.S. intelligence official said. "The question is: What [to do]?" The U.S. has been tracking al Shabaab and al Qaeda in Somalia for years, officials say. The Central Intelligence Agency works with military special forces units to collect intelligence and pinpoint targets, a former senior intelligence official said. The U.S. also works closely with the Ethiopian and Kenyan governments on counterterrorism operations.
Those efforts have grown in recent years as U.S. officials discovered as many as 20 Americans from Minnesota making their way to Somalia, including one who was determined to have been among five suicide bombers in an October 2008 attack in northern Somalia.
The intelligence-gathering paid off last year when U.S. Special Forces killed Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, a top operative linked to both al Qaeda and al Shabaab who was believed to be linked to 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.
But U.S. Special Forces units and intelligence officials have been grappling with a broader response to the growing terror threat from Somalia. Calling in airstrikes could fuel retaliatory measures against a weak Somali government. It could also stir up anti-U.S. sentiment that would advance the group's agenda, said the U.S. intelligence official.
"If you strike a camp, it makes you feel good, but what do you do the next day?" the official said. "You don't effectively eliminate the threat."
On Thursday, an al Shabaab leader underscored that point, delivering a message on the radio in Mogadishu congratulating what he called the Martyr Saleh Nabhan Brigade for the Kampala attacks.
Intelligence agencies have warned about al Shabaab's growing ambition to attack other countries—particularly Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya—as well as the West, the U.S. intelligence official said.U.S. intelligence hadn't picked up many direct threats against Uganda, but there has been a general concern about attacks targeting countries that supply troops to A.U. forces.
Investigators in Uganda say they are questioning a Ugandan man, Ali Isa Ssenkumba, who they say has confessed to helping plan the attacks.
Mr. Ssenkumba, who is in his late thirties and hails from a farming community outside Kampala, told investigators he was recruited by Somali men who persuaded him that he could have success in business in Somalia, according to a Ugandan military official close to the investigation.
Posing as a businessman, Mr. Ssenkumba made frequent trips to Somalia, where he attended an al Shabaab training camp, the Ugandan official said. Mr. Ssenkumba told investigators many other Ugandans are at al Shabaab's Somalia training facilities.
This person says Mr. Ssenkumba become familiar with guards at the borders between Uganda and Sudan and Uganda and Kenya, and received money and coordinated logistics for roughly two dozen al Shabaab members in Uganda who are suspected of plotting the triple suicide blast. Mr. Ssenkumba said, and investigators say they separately determined, that the attack was partially funded by informal money transfers from al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
Police in Kenya said they arrested Mr. Ssenkumba last week, before the attack, and handed him over to Ugandan investigators Tuesday, after the bombings.
According to Nicholas Kamwende, the commanding officer of Kenya's anti-terrorism police unit, Mr. Ssenkumba walked up to an immigration officer on the Kenya-Somalia border some time before the Kampala attacks and turned himself in.
"He said he didn't want to stay any longer with al Shabaab, that he wanted to go home," Mr. Kamwende said. "We didn't have anything to hold him on and we thought the Ugandans would be in a better position to exploit what he knew."
Mr. Ssenkumba wasn't made available to comment and it wasn't immediately apparent whether he was represented by a lawyer. Neither Mr. Kamwende nor Ugandan officials would say whether Mr. Ssenkumba provided information before the impending attack. Ugandan officials say Mr. Ssenkumba didn't turn himself in voluntarily.
—Nicholas Baryio in Kampala and Keith Johnson in Washington contributed to this article.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Press Briefing
Jul 16, 2010
We Need an Einstein Immigration Policy - When Americans see the benefits of a 'brain gain,' they'll view newcomers more favorably
Al Qaeda Goes Viral - The terrorists' latest recruiting device: an English language Internet magazine
The Natural Gas Revolution - Experts are so focused on analyzing the BP spill that they're overlooking the next big thing
Diplomacy Briefing Series: Sudan and sub-Saharan Africa. By Tim Shortley, Deputy to the Special Envoy to Sudan
The Uncertainty Principle—II - Only 30 times more complicated than Sarbanes-Oxley
The Yo-Yo Market and You - The stock market will suffer dizzy spells until the fog of monetary policy uncertainty is lifted
Avandia on Trial - An FDA review panel shows more wisdom than the drug's critics
Welcome for South Asian Seeds of Peace Participants, by Judith A. McHale, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
Youth Has Outlived Its Usefulness - American politics is desperately in need of adult supervision
Agent Orange in Vietnam: Recent Developments In Remediation. By Matthew Palmer, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment Committee on Foreign Affairs
How to Liberate the NHS - Andrew Lansley's plan to break the bureaucracy of th National Health Service is bold, but risky
How Do International Financial Flows to Developing Countries Respond to Natural Disasters?
Europe has implemented Feed-In Tariffs. Shouldn’t We Learn from their Experience?
From the Lisbon Treaty to the Eurozone Crisis: A New Beginning or the Unraveling of Europe?
Why Can't We Fire Failed Financial Regulators?
Thinking outside the box to avoid a double-dip recession
Why the Obama Stimulus Failed
CBO’s Economic Forecasting Record: 2010 Update
We Need an Einstein Immigration Policy - When Americans see the benefits of a 'brain gain,' they'll view newcomers more favorably
Al Qaeda Goes Viral - The terrorists' latest recruiting device: an English language Internet magazine
The Natural Gas Revolution - Experts are so focused on analyzing the BP spill that they're overlooking the next big thing
Diplomacy Briefing Series: Sudan and sub-Saharan Africa. By Tim Shortley, Deputy to the Special Envoy to Sudan
The Uncertainty Principle—II - Only 30 times more complicated than Sarbanes-Oxley
The Yo-Yo Market and You - The stock market will suffer dizzy spells until the fog of monetary policy uncertainty is lifted
Avandia on Trial - An FDA review panel shows more wisdom than the drug's critics
Welcome for South Asian Seeds of Peace Participants, by Judith A. McHale, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
Youth Has Outlived Its Usefulness - American politics is desperately in need of adult supervision
Agent Orange in Vietnam: Recent Developments In Remediation. By Matthew Palmer, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment Committee on Foreign Affairs
How to Liberate the NHS - Andrew Lansley's plan to break the bureaucracy of th National Health Service is bold, but risky
How Do International Financial Flows to Developing Countries Respond to Natural Disasters?
Europe has implemented Feed-In Tariffs. Shouldn’t We Learn from their Experience?
From the Lisbon Treaty to the Eurozone Crisis: A New Beginning or the Unraveling of Europe?
Why Can't We Fire Failed Financial Regulators?
Thinking outside the box to avoid a double-dip recession
Why the Obama Stimulus Failed
CBO’s Economic Forecasting Record: 2010 Update
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Press Briefing
Jul 15, 2010
PEPFAR Programs in Uganda: An Update
New Hope For Alzheimer's Disease
New Delhi Will Deploy Resources In Fight Against Marxist Insurgents
Progress Report on Cybersecurity
How Can the International Community Maximize Human Rights Within Public Health Practices?
Obama's School Reforms Are a Priority - Congress shouldn't divert the funds the president needs to improve public education. By J Klein, chancellor of New York City schools; M Lomax, president and chief executive of the United Negro College Fund; J Murguía, president and chief executive of the National Council of La Raza. They are co-chairs of the Board of the Education Equality Project.
A Chicago-Style Peace Disturber - 'Community organizer' Saul Alinsky lumped politicians in with gangsters
Cultivating a Federal Workforce that Reflects the Diversity of the American People
The Air Force Needs a Serious Upgrade - Here are five steps to ensure that the U.S. remains the dominant force in the sky
The White House Blog: Prevention is a Priority -- Now It's a Reality
A Bill Lerach Tax Cut - Treasury mulls a break for contingency fee lawsuits
Federal civil servants - Preparing for Afghanistan: Training in Muscatatuck
Three Million Imaginary Jobs - The White House says the stimulus worked beyond even its hopes. Seriously.
The U.S.-South Korea Alliance: Outdated, Unnecessary, and Dangerous
Speaking Up for American Capitalism - Business has taken a pounding on Capitol Hill and at the White House and for the most part has remained silent. It's time to make our case.
Budget Consolidation: Short-Term Pain and Long-Term Gain. IMF Staff Study
Rove: My Biggest Mistake in the White House - Failing to refute charges that Bush lied us into war has hurt our country
Remarks to Members of the U.S. Delegation to the New START Negotiations and Nuclear Posture Review Department Staff. By State Sec Clinton, Ellen Tauscher, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, and Rose Gottemoeller, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Verification, Compliance, and Implementation. Dean Acheson Auditorium, Washington, DC
New START: Beyond the Rhetoric
PEPFAR Programs in Uganda: An Update
New Hope For Alzheimer's Disease
New Delhi Will Deploy Resources In Fight Against Marxist Insurgents
Progress Report on Cybersecurity
How Can the International Community Maximize Human Rights Within Public Health Practices?
Obama's School Reforms Are a Priority - Congress shouldn't divert the funds the president needs to improve public education. By J Klein, chancellor of New York City schools; M Lomax, president and chief executive of the United Negro College Fund; J Murguía, president and chief executive of the National Council of La Raza. They are co-chairs of the Board of the Education Equality Project.
A Chicago-Style Peace Disturber - 'Community organizer' Saul Alinsky lumped politicians in with gangsters
Cultivating a Federal Workforce that Reflects the Diversity of the American People
The Air Force Needs a Serious Upgrade - Here are five steps to ensure that the U.S. remains the dominant force in the sky
The White House Blog: Prevention is a Priority -- Now It's a Reality
A Bill Lerach Tax Cut - Treasury mulls a break for contingency fee lawsuits
Federal civil servants - Preparing for Afghanistan: Training in Muscatatuck
Three Million Imaginary Jobs - The White House says the stimulus worked beyond even its hopes. Seriously.
The U.S.-South Korea Alliance: Outdated, Unnecessary, and Dangerous
Speaking Up for American Capitalism - Business has taken a pounding on Capitol Hill and at the White House and for the most part has remained silent. It's time to make our case.
Budget Consolidation: Short-Term Pain and Long-Term Gain. IMF Staff Study
Rove: My Biggest Mistake in the White House - Failing to refute charges that Bush lied us into war has hurt our country
Remarks to Members of the U.S. Delegation to the New START Negotiations and Nuclear Posture Review Department Staff. By State Sec Clinton, Ellen Tauscher, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, and Rose Gottemoeller, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Verification, Compliance, and Implementation. Dean Acheson Auditorium, Washington, DC
New START: Beyond the Rhetoric
Press Briefing
Jul 14, 2010
Notable & Quotable: John Fund explores whether the illegal votes of felons determined the outcome of the 2008 Minnesota Senate election
WSJ, Jul 14, 2010
Did illegal felon voters determine the outcome of the critical 2008 Minnesota Senate election? The day after the election, GOP Senator Norm Coleman had a 725 vote lead, but a series of recounts over the next six months reversed that result and gave Democrat Al Franken a 312 vote victory.
The outcome wound up having a significant impact, giving Democrats the critical 60th Senate vote they needed to block GOP filibusters. Mr. Franken's vote proved crucial in the passage of ObamaCare last December in the Senate. . . .
Ever since Mr. Franken was declared the victor, the conservative watchdog group Minnesota Majority has combed through records comparing lists of those who voted with criminal rap sheets. It found that at least 289 convicted felons voted in Minneapolis's Hennepin County, the state's largest, and another 52 voted illegally in St. Paul's Ramsey County, the state's second largest. Dan McGrath, head of Minnesota Majority, says that only conclusive matches were included in the group's totals. The number of felons voting in those two counties alone exceeds Mr. Franken's victory margin. . . .
Minnesota Majority says it has been "stonewalled" by Hennepin County officials to whom it presented its findings. But in neighboring Ramsey County, Phil Carruthers of the local District Attorney's office says he takes the charges "very seriously" and found that Minnesota Majority "had done a good job in their review." His office has asked for 15 investigators to be hired to pursue the information. "So far we have charged 28 people with felonies, have 17 more under review and have 182 cases still open," he said.
The White House Blog - Wall Street Reform: Final Votes Approach
Real Government Efficiency - When a liberal pundit fawns over China's global-warming policies, one sees the Hobbesian within
The Taliban War on Women Continues - When 22-year-old Hossai was told to quit her job by the Taliban, she refused to be bullied. She was shot and killed.
The Failure of the Live Aid Model. By JOHN-CLARK LEVIN
Better government is the key to preventing famine.
WSJ, Jul 14, 2010
Twenty-five years ago yesterday, rock stars and charity organizers from both sides of the Atlantic came together for an unprecedented fund-raising event. Simultaneous concerts at London's Wembley Stadium and JFK Stadium in Philadelphia were joined via satellite linkup for a global television audience. Ethiopians were suffering from dire famine, and promotional posters proclaimed this would be "The day the music changed the world." They called it Live Aid.
In monetary terms, the event was considerably more successful than expected, raising £150 million ($283 million). There was an extended round of global self-congratulation and a knighthood for organizer Bob Geldof. More than ever, the attention of the world was focused on the famine and poverty afflicting Africa.
Yet despite the massive financial outpouring, the raised awareness and the cultural impact, Live Aid must be considered a failure.
Recently released CIA documents from 1985 (and a subsequent BBC investigation) suggest that so much of the money went to arms instead of food that it may have prolonged and deepened Ethiopia's humanitarian catastrophe. Live Aid also focused the developed world on a flawed approach to charity that ignores the governmental causes of Africa's misery.
Seven years later, the United Nations pledged to relieve the serious famine in Somalia brought on by its civil war. The U.N.'s first mission in 1992 was purely humanitarian—providing food, medicine and other vital supplies to a population in critical danger of starvation. Yet the country was so thoroughly in the grip of chaos that 80% of the food aid was stolen. Much of the remainder was unable to pass through the ruined Somali infrastructure to reach those who needed it.
It was not until a U.S.-led military mission was sent to restore order by force that the aid finally started getting through. The famine soon abated, and the conflict subsided considerably—until American forces pulled out after suffering 19 casualties in the Battle of Mogadishu the following year. Since the final withdrawal of U.N. peacekeepers in 1995, Somalia has known nothing but hunger, disease, anarchy and now piracy.
By contrast, when severe drought struck the Horn of Africa in 2006, Kenya and Ethiopia—with their relatively stable governments—were able to cope. They faced less serious food shortages than lawless Somalia, and what aid they did require from the U.N. and international relief agencies usually reached their people successfully. The easing of food shortages in the Congo in the past five years can similarly be attributed to the stability that came with the end of the region's six-year war. The quarter-century since Live Aid has borne out irrefutably that famine and poverty cannot be solved with charity alone. We can only stop them by putting an end to corruption and instability.
Even singer-turned-humanitarian Bono has conceded that these structural issues are the heart of the problem. He told NBC's "Meet the Press" in 2005, "This is the number one problem facing Africa, corruption; not natural calamity, not the AIDS virus. This is the number one issue and there's no way around it . . . So no one is talking about aid in the old sense . . . It makes matters worse, not better." Yet less than a week after that interview, Bono headlined a massive rehash of Live Aid called Live 8.
Although Live 8 branded itself as a new, "smarter" approach to charitable giving, the event shared the same misunderstanding of Africa's problems with its 1985 predecessor. The rockers and celebrities who turned out for Live 8 made high-minded calls for debt relief, monetary aid increases and trade renegotiation.
The U.N. recently announced an aid package for famine-stricken and unstable Niger. Sadly, there's little reason to think aid alone will do more good here than it has in other troubled lands over the past 25 years.
Mr. Levin, winner of the 2010 Eric Breindel Collegiate Journalism Award, is an intern at the Journal this summer.
President Obama Announces a New OMB Director: Jacob Lew
Victor Cha: North Korea ‘A Real Dilemma’
Remarks by the President on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy
Iran and the Missile Defense Imperative - U.S. intelligence now sees Tehran developing intercontinental missiles by 2015. If we continue our current strategy, we will not be able to counter the threat.
Special Briefing On Upcoming Kabul Conference, by Richard Holbrooke, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
A Welcome Veto Threat - The White House takes on the left over education
State Dept Spokesman: Iranian Scientist Shahram Amiri (Taken Question)
The White House’s Continuing War on Affordable Energy
The Uncertainty Principle - Dodd-Frank will require at least 243 new federal rule-makings
Journalism Needs Government Help - Media budgets have been decimated as the Internet facilitates a communications revolution. More public funding for news-gathering is the answer
Shareholders of large, publicly traded banks have a higher appetite for risk than is compatible with our regulatory system
Obama Needs to Change Budget Dialogue Along with Budget Director
Obamacare’s Exploding Medicaid Costs
How Inequality Fueled the Crisis, by Raghuram Rajan
One State/Two States: Rethinking Israel and Palestine
U.S. National Space Policy. By Frank A. Rose, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Verification, Compliance, & Implementation. Conference on Disarmament, Geneva, Switzerland
The Obama Tax and Spend Threat to Economic Recovery
The determinants of cross-border bank flows to emerging markets: new empirical evidence on the spread of financial crises, by Sabine Herrmann and Dubravko Mihaljek. BIS Working Papers No 315
Chris Matthews: What Percentage of Republicans Would You Put In the 'Nut Bag?'
Notable & Quotable: John Fund explores whether the illegal votes of felons determined the outcome of the 2008 Minnesota Senate election
WSJ, Jul 14, 2010
Did illegal felon voters determine the outcome of the critical 2008 Minnesota Senate election? The day after the election, GOP Senator Norm Coleman had a 725 vote lead, but a series of recounts over the next six months reversed that result and gave Democrat Al Franken a 312 vote victory.
The outcome wound up having a significant impact, giving Democrats the critical 60th Senate vote they needed to block GOP filibusters. Mr. Franken's vote proved crucial in the passage of ObamaCare last December in the Senate. . . .
Ever since Mr. Franken was declared the victor, the conservative watchdog group Minnesota Majority has combed through records comparing lists of those who voted with criminal rap sheets. It found that at least 289 convicted felons voted in Minneapolis's Hennepin County, the state's largest, and another 52 voted illegally in St. Paul's Ramsey County, the state's second largest. Dan McGrath, head of Minnesota Majority, says that only conclusive matches were included in the group's totals. The number of felons voting in those two counties alone exceeds Mr. Franken's victory margin. . . .
Minnesota Majority says it has been "stonewalled" by Hennepin County officials to whom it presented its findings. But in neighboring Ramsey County, Phil Carruthers of the local District Attorney's office says he takes the charges "very seriously" and found that Minnesota Majority "had done a good job in their review." His office has asked for 15 investigators to be hired to pursue the information. "So far we have charged 28 people with felonies, have 17 more under review and have 182 cases still open," he said.
The White House Blog - Wall Street Reform: Final Votes Approach
Real Government Efficiency - When a liberal pundit fawns over China's global-warming policies, one sees the Hobbesian within
The Taliban War on Women Continues - When 22-year-old Hossai was told to quit her job by the Taliban, she refused to be bullied. She was shot and killed.
The Failure of the Live Aid Model. By JOHN-CLARK LEVIN
Better government is the key to preventing famine.
WSJ, Jul 14, 2010
Twenty-five years ago yesterday, rock stars and charity organizers from both sides of the Atlantic came together for an unprecedented fund-raising event. Simultaneous concerts at London's Wembley Stadium and JFK Stadium in Philadelphia were joined via satellite linkup for a global television audience. Ethiopians were suffering from dire famine, and promotional posters proclaimed this would be "The day the music changed the world." They called it Live Aid.
In monetary terms, the event was considerably more successful than expected, raising £150 million ($283 million). There was an extended round of global self-congratulation and a knighthood for organizer Bob Geldof. More than ever, the attention of the world was focused on the famine and poverty afflicting Africa.
Yet despite the massive financial outpouring, the raised awareness and the cultural impact, Live Aid must be considered a failure.
Recently released CIA documents from 1985 (and a subsequent BBC investigation) suggest that so much of the money went to arms instead of food that it may have prolonged and deepened Ethiopia's humanitarian catastrophe. Live Aid also focused the developed world on a flawed approach to charity that ignores the governmental causes of Africa's misery.
Seven years later, the United Nations pledged to relieve the serious famine in Somalia brought on by its civil war. The U.N.'s first mission in 1992 was purely humanitarian—providing food, medicine and other vital supplies to a population in critical danger of starvation. Yet the country was so thoroughly in the grip of chaos that 80% of the food aid was stolen. Much of the remainder was unable to pass through the ruined Somali infrastructure to reach those who needed it.
It was not until a U.S.-led military mission was sent to restore order by force that the aid finally started getting through. The famine soon abated, and the conflict subsided considerably—until American forces pulled out after suffering 19 casualties in the Battle of Mogadishu the following year. Since the final withdrawal of U.N. peacekeepers in 1995, Somalia has known nothing but hunger, disease, anarchy and now piracy.
By contrast, when severe drought struck the Horn of Africa in 2006, Kenya and Ethiopia—with their relatively stable governments—were able to cope. They faced less serious food shortages than lawless Somalia, and what aid they did require from the U.N. and international relief agencies usually reached their people successfully. The easing of food shortages in the Congo in the past five years can similarly be attributed to the stability that came with the end of the region's six-year war. The quarter-century since Live Aid has borne out irrefutably that famine and poverty cannot be solved with charity alone. We can only stop them by putting an end to corruption and instability.
Even singer-turned-humanitarian Bono has conceded that these structural issues are the heart of the problem. He told NBC's "Meet the Press" in 2005, "This is the number one problem facing Africa, corruption; not natural calamity, not the AIDS virus. This is the number one issue and there's no way around it . . . So no one is talking about aid in the old sense . . . It makes matters worse, not better." Yet less than a week after that interview, Bono headlined a massive rehash of Live Aid called Live 8.
Although Live 8 branded itself as a new, "smarter" approach to charitable giving, the event shared the same misunderstanding of Africa's problems with its 1985 predecessor. The rockers and celebrities who turned out for Live 8 made high-minded calls for debt relief, monetary aid increases and trade renegotiation.
The U.N. recently announced an aid package for famine-stricken and unstable Niger. Sadly, there's little reason to think aid alone will do more good here than it has in other troubled lands over the past 25 years.
Mr. Levin, winner of the 2010 Eric Breindel Collegiate Journalism Award, is an intern at the Journal this summer.
President Obama Announces a New OMB Director: Jacob Lew
Victor Cha: North Korea ‘A Real Dilemma’
Remarks by the President on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy
Iran and the Missile Defense Imperative - U.S. intelligence now sees Tehran developing intercontinental missiles by 2015. If we continue our current strategy, we will not be able to counter the threat.
Special Briefing On Upcoming Kabul Conference, by Richard Holbrooke, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
A Welcome Veto Threat - The White House takes on the left over education
State Dept Spokesman: Iranian Scientist Shahram Amiri (Taken Question)
The White House’s Continuing War on Affordable Energy
The Uncertainty Principle - Dodd-Frank will require at least 243 new federal rule-makings
Journalism Needs Government Help - Media budgets have been decimated as the Internet facilitates a communications revolution. More public funding for news-gathering is the answer
Shareholders of large, publicly traded banks have a higher appetite for risk than is compatible with our regulatory system
Obama Needs to Change Budget Dialogue Along with Budget Director
Obamacare’s Exploding Medicaid Costs
How Inequality Fueled the Crisis, by Raghuram Rajan
One State/Two States: Rethinking Israel and Palestine
U.S. National Space Policy. By Frank A. Rose, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Verification, Compliance, & Implementation. Conference on Disarmament, Geneva, Switzerland
The Obama Tax and Spend Threat to Economic Recovery
The determinants of cross-border bank flows to emerging markets: new empirical evidence on the spread of financial crises, by Sabine Herrmann and Dubravko Mihaljek. BIS Working Papers No 315
Chris Matthews: What Percentage of Republicans Would You Put In the 'Nut Bag?'
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Press Briefing
Jul 13, 2010
The determinants of cross-border bank flows to emerging markets: new empirical evidence on the spread of financial crises, by Sabine Herrmann and Dubravko Mihaljek. BIS Working Papers No 315
Funding liquidity risk: definition and measurement. By Mathias Drehmann and Kleopatra Nikolaou. BIS Working Papers No 316
Working Hand in Hand: The Kabul Conference and Afghanistan’s International Partners
Chemical Fears Exacerbate Whooping Cough Epidemic
The White House Blog - Introducing the New and Improved
Beyond the Obama Nuke Policy - How Congress and opinion leaders can counter administration weakness on North Korea and Iran
PTSD Claims: Making the Process Easier for Our Veterans
Al Qaeda in Africa - Sunday's Uganda attacks underscore a new global threat
White House: If It's Working, Keep it Going!
The New-Old Drilling Ban - Salazar to Gulf workers: Move to Egypt
Pacific Partnership En Route to Indonesia
Kagan and ObamaCare - The Senate should press her to recuse herself from the state lawsuit
State Dept on Bombings in Uganda
FDR, Obama and 'Confidence' - Demonizing business deepened the Great Depression. The White House can learn from Roosevelt's mistakes.
The Bush Tax Cuts and the Deficit Myth - Runaway government spending, not declining tax revenues, is the reason the U.S. faces dramatic budget shortfalls for years to come
Karl Rove - In 2007, then-Sen. Obama helped derail an immigration bill he claimed to support. He's no more serious about a bipartisan bill today.
Defending Planet Earth: Near-Earth Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies: Final Report
Oil Spill Response is “Stuck on Stupid”
The determinants of cross-border bank flows to emerging markets: new empirical evidence on the spread of financial crises, by Sabine Herrmann and Dubravko Mihaljek. BIS Working Papers No 315
Funding liquidity risk: definition and measurement. By Mathias Drehmann and Kleopatra Nikolaou. BIS Working Papers No 316
Working Hand in Hand: The Kabul Conference and Afghanistan’s International Partners
Chemical Fears Exacerbate Whooping Cough Epidemic
The White House Blog - Introducing the New and Improved
Beyond the Obama Nuke Policy - How Congress and opinion leaders can counter administration weakness on North Korea and Iran
PTSD Claims: Making the Process Easier for Our Veterans
Al Qaeda in Africa - Sunday's Uganda attacks underscore a new global threat
White House: If It's Working, Keep it Going!
The New-Old Drilling Ban - Salazar to Gulf workers: Move to Egypt
Pacific Partnership En Route to Indonesia
Kagan and ObamaCare - The Senate should press her to recuse herself from the state lawsuit
State Dept on Bombings in Uganda
FDR, Obama and 'Confidence' - Demonizing business deepened the Great Depression. The White House can learn from Roosevelt's mistakes.
The Bush Tax Cuts and the Deficit Myth - Runaway government spending, not declining tax revenues, is the reason the U.S. faces dramatic budget shortfalls for years to come
Karl Rove - In 2007, then-Sen. Obama helped derail an immigration bill he claimed to support. He's no more serious about a bipartisan bill today.
Defending Planet Earth: Near-Earth Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies: Final Report
Oil Spill Response is “Stuck on Stupid”
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Press Briefing
Jul 12, 2010
Palestians' peaceful protests: Waiting for Gandhi
Too Good To Check - How journalists create myths and legends, not least about themselves
Ask First Lady Michelle Obama Questions about her Let’s Move! Initiative
The World Isn't Waiting on Free Trade - Our exporters are losing ground. The president should act on the trade agreements with Colombia and others.
The White House Blog: President Obama on Government and Economic Recovery in Nevada
Lessons From the Swedish Welfare State - New research shows bigger government means slower growth. Our country is a prime example.
Blame the Torpedo - The U.N. condemns an act of aggression but not the aggressor
Weekly Address: President Obama Announces Changes to Help Veterans with PTSD Receive the Benefits They Need
Who Pays for ObamaCare? - What Donald Berwick and Joe the Plumber both understand
XV Anniversary of Srebrenica Genocide, by State Sec Clinton
The Climategate Whitewash Continues - Global warming alarmists claim vindication after last year's data manipulation scandal. Don't believe the 'independent' reviews.
UN Security Council Statement on the Cheonan Attack, by Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State
Obama's Entitlement Opportunity - The president's deficit commission isn't likely to agree on tax increases, but don't be surprised if it recommends Social Security reform
“We Must Not, Will Not Lose Sight of Darfur”
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: “All Americans have a stake in financial reforms.”
Roseanne Barr: if Fiorina wins, 'everybody' will be 'homeless and jobless here, and sick and desperate.' 'You wanted a big socialist state telling you that military spending is more important than jobs or food or water.'
Roseanne Barr: 'Organs are harvested in war, by big farma.'
Roseanne Barr: 'all republicans' cherish 'the freedom to have sex with small children [...] (just kidding, sort of).'
Cross-Strait Relations in a New Era of Negotiation, by David B. Shear, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs. Remarks APFD at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace event
HUD suggested language that reads: "Funded by American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Barack Obama President." Commerce said it wants the signage displayed "throughout the construction phase" and "in a prominent location on site."
Palestians' peaceful protests: Waiting for Gandhi
Too Good To Check - How journalists create myths and legends, not least about themselves
Ask First Lady Michelle Obama Questions about her Let’s Move! Initiative
The World Isn't Waiting on Free Trade - Our exporters are losing ground. The president should act on the trade agreements with Colombia and others.
The White House Blog: President Obama on Government and Economic Recovery in Nevada
Lessons From the Swedish Welfare State - New research shows bigger government means slower growth. Our country is a prime example.
Blame the Torpedo - The U.N. condemns an act of aggression but not the aggressor
Weekly Address: President Obama Announces Changes to Help Veterans with PTSD Receive the Benefits They Need
Who Pays for ObamaCare? - What Donald Berwick and Joe the Plumber both understand
XV Anniversary of Srebrenica Genocide, by State Sec Clinton
The Climategate Whitewash Continues - Global warming alarmists claim vindication after last year's data manipulation scandal. Don't believe the 'independent' reviews.
UN Security Council Statement on the Cheonan Attack, by Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State
Obama's Entitlement Opportunity - The president's deficit commission isn't likely to agree on tax increases, but don't be surprised if it recommends Social Security reform
“We Must Not, Will Not Lose Sight of Darfur”
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: “All Americans have a stake in financial reforms.”
Roseanne Barr: if Fiorina wins, 'everybody' will be 'homeless and jobless here, and sick and desperate.' 'You wanted a big socialist state telling you that military spending is more important than jobs or food or water.'
Roseanne Barr: 'Organs are harvested in war, by big farma.'
Roseanne Barr: 'all republicans' cherish 'the freedom to have sex with small children [...] (just kidding, sort of).'
Cross-Strait Relations in a New Era of Negotiation, by David B. Shear, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs. Remarks APFD at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace event
HUD suggested language that reads: "Funded by American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Barack Obama President." Commerce said it wants the signage displayed "throughout the construction phase" and "in a prominent location on site."
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Press Briefing
Jul 09, 2010
America's Growing Innovation Gap - We've fallen behind according to studies and my experience as a CEO. Here's how to reclaim our edge.
Persistent Unemployment - It erodes the skills of the labor force and reduces future productivity
The White House Blog: From Sand to Solar
Our Pro-Business President - The White House says he's misunderstood
Beyond Madrasas: Assessing the Links Between Education and Militancy in Pakistan
An Obama Home Run - He picks a fighting general for Centcom, Marine General James Mattis
The White House Blog: More Seniors to Receive One-Time Donut Hole Rebate Checks
Five Democrats on the Senate Energy Committee last week delivered a rebuke to the White House, voting with Reps to have Congress set up an "independent" commission to investigate the BP disaster, bypassing the President's appointees
Youth Transitions to Employment and Marriage in Iran: Evidence from the School to Work Transition Survey
The Obama-Pelosi Lame Duck Strategy - Union 'card-check,' cap and trade, and so much more
The White House Blog: Going Green in Denver
Why This Isn't Like 1938—At Least Not Yet - Stock prices show we've dodged another depression, but toxic, antibusiness
rhetoric and policy errors like the Dodd-Frank bill are hurting the still-fragile recovery
The White House Blog: Smith Electric Just One Example of Innovation in Kansas City
New START is a Non-Starter
White House's Peter Orszag: SAVE More
Fact Checking the Fact Checker: A Response to Senator Kerry
Introducing Energy and Climate Partnership for the Americas Fellow Daniel M. Kammen
Federal Government Overpaid $47 Billion a Year
Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony Establishing the U.S.-Angola Strategic Partnership Dialogue
Why Limits On Banker Bonuses Are Meaningless
US Scientists Discover Powerful Antibodies for HIV
Words you cannot say at Naval War College
America's Growing Innovation Gap - We've fallen behind according to studies and my experience as a CEO. Here's how to reclaim our edge.
Persistent Unemployment - It erodes the skills of the labor force and reduces future productivity
The White House Blog: From Sand to Solar
Our Pro-Business President - The White House says he's misunderstood
Beyond Madrasas: Assessing the Links Between Education and Militancy in Pakistan
An Obama Home Run - He picks a fighting general for Centcom, Marine General James Mattis
The White House Blog: More Seniors to Receive One-Time Donut Hole Rebate Checks
Five Democrats on the Senate Energy Committee last week delivered a rebuke to the White House, voting with Reps to have Congress set up an "independent" commission to investigate the BP disaster, bypassing the President's appointees
Youth Transitions to Employment and Marriage in Iran: Evidence from the School to Work Transition Survey
The Obama-Pelosi Lame Duck Strategy - Union 'card-check,' cap and trade, and so much more
The White House Blog: Going Green in Denver
Why This Isn't Like 1938—At Least Not Yet - Stock prices show we've dodged another depression, but toxic, antibusiness
rhetoric and policy errors like the Dodd-Frank bill are hurting the still-fragile recovery
The White House Blog: Smith Electric Just One Example of Innovation in Kansas City
New START is a Non-Starter
White House's Peter Orszag: SAVE More
Fact Checking the Fact Checker: A Response to Senator Kerry
Introducing Energy and Climate Partnership for the Americas Fellow Daniel M. Kammen
Federal Government Overpaid $47 Billion a Year
Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony Establishing the U.S.-Angola Strategic Partnership Dialogue
Why Limits On Banker Bonuses Are Meaningless
US Scientists Discover Powerful Antibodies for HIV
Words you cannot say at Naval War College
Press Briefing
Jul 08, 2010
The White House Blog: Progress on the National Export Initiative & Job Creation
The New Start Treaty: Time for a Careful Look - The Senate shouldn't rubber stamp an arms control strategy rooted in a vision of 'nuclear zero' without opening up the negotiating record
The White House Blog - Solar and Smart Grid: Powering a Clean Energy Future
The Right Way to Raise Wages - The president's drive to strengthen unions will increase unemployment
The White House Blog: How Affordable Care Act Helps Veterans
The Superfund Bait and Switch - Reviving another tax on business
U.S. Embassy Santiago: Ambassador Simons Launches Eco-Friendly Project at Fourth of July Celebration
The Arabs on Iran - The U.A.E. ambassador tells the truth
Patient Assistance Programs - Since the launch of the Partnership for Prescription Assistance program in April 2005, over 6 million patients have been matched with programs that provide free or nearly free medicines
Unemployment Benefits Aren't Stimulus - Let's not reduce the incentive to find work. A federal tax holiday is a better way to cut the high jobless rate.
Conference on sub-Saharan Africa : Women's Inclusion and Participation. By Melanne Verveer, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues
Conservatives on Federal President's Dr. Donald Berwick: "The Rationer-in-Chief"
Secretary Clinton Holds Town Hall With Georgian Women Leaders
Swede Bites Dog: Moderate Party-linked students offer to load and unload Israeli cargo
IMF: World growth is projected at about 4½ percent in 2010 and 4¼ percent in 2011. Relative to the April 2010 World Economic Outlook (WEO), this represents an upward revision of about ½ percentage point in 2010, reflecting stronger activity during the first half of the year.
WTO issues panel report on Airbus dispute
Dissent in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards
The White House Blog: Progress on the National Export Initiative & Job Creation
The New Start Treaty: Time for a Careful Look - The Senate shouldn't rubber stamp an arms control strategy rooted in a vision of 'nuclear zero' without opening up the negotiating record
The White House Blog - Solar and Smart Grid: Powering a Clean Energy Future
The Right Way to Raise Wages - The president's drive to strengthen unions will increase unemployment
The White House Blog: How Affordable Care Act Helps Veterans
The Superfund Bait and Switch - Reviving another tax on business
U.S. Embassy Santiago: Ambassador Simons Launches Eco-Friendly Project at Fourth of July Celebration
The Arabs on Iran - The U.A.E. ambassador tells the truth
Patient Assistance Programs - Since the launch of the Partnership for Prescription Assistance program in April 2005, over 6 million patients have been matched with programs that provide free or nearly free medicines
Unemployment Benefits Aren't Stimulus - Let's not reduce the incentive to find work. A federal tax holiday is a better way to cut the high jobless rate.
Conference on sub-Saharan Africa : Women's Inclusion and Participation. By Melanne Verveer, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues
Conservatives on Federal President's Dr. Donald Berwick: "The Rationer-in-Chief"
Secretary Clinton Holds Town Hall With Georgian Women Leaders
Swede Bites Dog: Moderate Party-linked students offer to load and unload Israeli cargo
IMF: World growth is projected at about 4½ percent in 2010 and 4¼ percent in 2011. Relative to the April 2010 World Economic Outlook (WEO), this represents an upward revision of about ½ percentage point in 2010, reflecting stronger activity during the first half of the year.
WTO issues panel report on Airbus dispute
Dissent in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Press Briefing
Jul 07, 2010
The White House Blog: Moving Forward to Protect Seniors' Care
Iran and Hezbollah's Spiritual Leader - In Lebanon, a struggle over the legacy of the late Ayatollah Fadlallah
President Obama's Meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu: Gaza, Iran, Nuclear Weapons & Peace
Keynes vs. Hayek: The Great Debate Continues - Newly discovered letters from two great economists shed light on today's discussion of economic 'stimulus'
Chronicle of currency collapses: re-examining the effects on output. By Matthieu Bussière, Sweta C Saxena and Camilo Tovar, BIS Working Papers No 314
Conservatives: When Bibi Met Barack (Take Four) - At least Israel's Prime Minister is no longer a White House pariah
Security Companies Cash in on Anti-Piracy Operations
Suing Arizona - How not to forge an immigration reform consensus
Persistent Forecasting of Disruptive Technologies--Report 2
A Case Study in Teacher Bailouts - Milwaukee shows that unions will keep resisting concessions if Washington rides to the rescue
Diplomacy Briefing Series: Conference on sub-Saharan Africa, by Judith A. McHale, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
The Massachusetts Health-Care 'Train Wreck' - The future of ObamaCare is unfolding here: runaway spending, price controls, even limits on care and medical licensing
The Future of the Board of Directors
Behold, the Subprime Shmoe - Joseph Cassano is getting his reputation back thanks to Phil Angelides
Small study reveals same-sex parenting good for kids
Conservatives: Remember the Gulf
The White House Blog: Moving Forward to Protect Seniors' Care
Iran and Hezbollah's Spiritual Leader - In Lebanon, a struggle over the legacy of the late Ayatollah Fadlallah
President Obama's Meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu: Gaza, Iran, Nuclear Weapons & Peace
Keynes vs. Hayek: The Great Debate Continues - Newly discovered letters from two great economists shed light on today's discussion of economic 'stimulus'
Chronicle of currency collapses: re-examining the effects on output. By Matthieu Bussière, Sweta C Saxena and Camilo Tovar, BIS Working Papers No 314
Conservatives: When Bibi Met Barack (Take Four) - At least Israel's Prime Minister is no longer a White House pariah
Security Companies Cash in on Anti-Piracy Operations
Suing Arizona - How not to forge an immigration reform consensus
Persistent Forecasting of Disruptive Technologies--Report 2
A Case Study in Teacher Bailouts - Milwaukee shows that unions will keep resisting concessions if Washington rides to the rescue
Diplomacy Briefing Series: Conference on sub-Saharan Africa, by Judith A. McHale, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
The Massachusetts Health-Care 'Train Wreck' - The future of ObamaCare is unfolding here: runaway spending, price controls, even limits on care and medical licensing
The Future of the Board of Directors
Behold, the Subprime Shmoe - Joseph Cassano is getting his reputation back thanks to Phil Angelides
Small study reveals same-sex parenting good for kids
Conservatives: Remember the Gulf
Monday, July 5, 2010
Press Briefing
Jul 06, 2010
Secy. Kathleen Sebelius To Take Your Questions on Health Care
Obama the Great? How scholars rank federal presidents
Secretary Clinton Meets With Georgian President Saakashvili
The Myth of the Back-to-the-City Migration - The condo bust should lay to rest the notion that the American love affair with suburbia is over
Federal Vicepresident: Wrapping Up My Visit to Iraq
The Connecticut-New York Border War - Politicians discover that hedge funds pay a lot of taxes
A Trillion Unintended Consequences - Dodd-Frank's last minute assault on Main Street derivatives
"Civil Society: Supporting Democracy in the 21st Century," at the Community of Democracies. By State Sec Clinton, Slowacki Theater, Krakow, Poland
The Government Pay Bonus - Private employees toil 13½ months to earn what federal workers do in 12
U.S.-Poland Bilateral Missile Defense Signing and Joint Press Availability With Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski. By State Sec Clinton. City Hall, Krakow, Poland
Europe Remakes a Pact - The best discipline for the EU is still market discipline
Secy. Kathleen Sebelius To Take Your Questions on Health Care
Obama the Great? How scholars rank federal presidents
Secretary Clinton Meets With Georgian President Saakashvili
The Myth of the Back-to-the-City Migration - The condo bust should lay to rest the notion that the American love affair with suburbia is over
Federal Vicepresident: Wrapping Up My Visit to Iraq
The Connecticut-New York Border War - Politicians discover that hedge funds pay a lot of taxes
A Trillion Unintended Consequences - Dodd-Frank's last minute assault on Main Street derivatives
"Civil Society: Supporting Democracy in the 21st Century," at the Community of Democracies. By State Sec Clinton, Slowacki Theater, Krakow, Poland
The Government Pay Bonus - Private employees toil 13½ months to earn what federal workers do in 12
U.S.-Poland Bilateral Missile Defense Signing and Joint Press Availability With Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski. By State Sec Clinton. City Hall, Krakow, Poland
Europe Remakes a Pact - The best discipline for the EU is still market discipline
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Press Briefing
Jul 05, 2010
First Lady: Supporting Our Military Families
More on "This Time Is Different": a quantitative reconstruction of hundreds of historical episodes in which perfectly smart people made perfectly disastrous decisions
Remarks At the Closing of the Strategic Partnership Commission. By State Sec Clinton. Kyiv, Ukraine
Democrats said during the Kagan hearings that the Roberts court has shown a pro-corporate bias
Obama's national security officials, on the night watch
Expanding Crime and Punishment in Tibet
As American power wanes in the Middle East, regional powers seek to fill the void
Maximizing the Value and Impact of East African Broadband for Higher Education. By Judith A. McHale, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. Keynote Speech at the East Africa ICT and Higher Education Symposium 2010
Independence Day in Siberia - From a former Soviet Army truck driver, I learned the blessings of being an American
Promoting Practices that Reflect our Ideals: A Sharper Focus for International Migration Policy. By Eric P. Schwartz, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. Seventh Annual Immigration Law and Policy Conference, Georgetown University Law and Conference Center
Australian Tax Retreat - Kevin Rudd's 'super-profits' levy follows him out the door
Fast growing birds can eat Liberty-Link Corn
IMF Forum Considers Principles of Managing Public Debt in the Context of Market Turbulence
Private Jobs Strike - Another disappointing employment report
First Lady: Supporting Our Military Families
More on "This Time Is Different": a quantitative reconstruction of hundreds of historical episodes in which perfectly smart people made perfectly disastrous decisions
Remarks At the Closing of the Strategic Partnership Commission. By State Sec Clinton. Kyiv, Ukraine
Democrats said during the Kagan hearings that the Roberts court has shown a pro-corporate bias
Obama's national security officials, on the night watch
Expanding Crime and Punishment in Tibet
As American power wanes in the Middle East, regional powers seek to fill the void
Maximizing the Value and Impact of East African Broadband for Higher Education. By Judith A. McHale, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. Keynote Speech at the East Africa ICT and Higher Education Symposium 2010
Independence Day in Siberia - From a former Soviet Army truck driver, I learned the blessings of being an American
Promoting Practices that Reflect our Ideals: A Sharper Focus for International Migration Policy. By Eric P. Schwartz, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. Seventh Annual Immigration Law and Policy Conference, Georgetown University Law and Conference Center
Australian Tax Retreat - Kevin Rudd's 'super-profits' levy follows him out the door
Fast growing birds can eat Liberty-Link Corn
IMF Forum Considers Principles of Managing Public Debt in the Context of Market Turbulence
Private Jobs Strike - Another disappointing employment report
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Press Briefing
Jul 02, 2010
Promoting Practices that Reflect our Ideals: A Sharper Focus for International Migration Policy. By Eric P. Schwartz, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. Seventh Annual Immigration Law and Policy Conference, Georgetown University Law and Conference Center
U.S. National Voluntary Presentation, by Melanne Verveer. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues
Oil dispersant does not pose environmental threat, early EPA findings suggest
Do not use the Army to fight the Naxalites
Afghanistan and the 'Resource Curse' - With its newly discovered mineral wealth, it could end up like Nigeria. Or like Mexico
U.S. Counterterrorism Policy, by Robert F. Godec, Principal Deputy Coordinator for Counterterrorism. Global Young Leaders Conference, Washington, DC
High Speed Rail in America: Hope We Can Believe in
Reconfirming John Roberts - Why Democrats are targeting the Chief Justice
Iran Sanctions: Where We Go From Here - A coordinated strategy by the U.S. and the European Union will determine success or failure
The Obama Tax Trap - How some Republicans are preparing to walk right into it
The Polarization of Job Opportunities in the U.S. Labor Market - Implications for Employment and Earnings
Why Is the Gulf Cleanup So Slow? - There are obvious actions to speed things up, but the government oddly resists taking them
Terrorist Use of the Internet, by Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, Deputy Coordinator for Counterterrorism. Joint U.S. Embassy and Philippine Welcome. 2nd Tri-Border Conference, Manila, Philippines
"A nation of laws and a nation of immigrants"
Maureen Dowd Critiques: 'Thin-Skinned' Federal President Doesn't Like Media Portrayal
Standing Up to the Unholy Alliance Between Washington and Wall Street
The Three Biggest Myths About Tax Cuts and the Budget Deficit
IMF Staff: The Fundamental Determinants of Credit Default Risk for European Large Complex Financial Institutions
The Limitless Power of the Obama-Kagan Congress
Promoting Practices that Reflect our Ideals: A Sharper Focus for International Migration Policy. By Eric P. Schwartz, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. Seventh Annual Immigration Law and Policy Conference, Georgetown University Law and Conference Center
U.S. National Voluntary Presentation, by Melanne Verveer. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues
Oil dispersant does not pose environmental threat, early EPA findings suggest
Do not use the Army to fight the Naxalites
Afghanistan and the 'Resource Curse' - With its newly discovered mineral wealth, it could end up like Nigeria. Or like Mexico
U.S. Counterterrorism Policy, by Robert F. Godec, Principal Deputy Coordinator for Counterterrorism. Global Young Leaders Conference, Washington, DC
High Speed Rail in America: Hope We Can Believe in
Reconfirming John Roberts - Why Democrats are targeting the Chief Justice
Iran Sanctions: Where We Go From Here - A coordinated strategy by the U.S. and the European Union will determine success or failure
The Obama Tax Trap - How some Republicans are preparing to walk right into it
The Polarization of Job Opportunities in the U.S. Labor Market - Implications for Employment and Earnings
Why Is the Gulf Cleanup So Slow? - There are obvious actions to speed things up, but the government oddly resists taking them
Terrorist Use of the Internet, by Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, Deputy Coordinator for Counterterrorism. Joint U.S. Embassy and Philippine Welcome. 2nd Tri-Border Conference, Manila, Philippines
"A nation of laws and a nation of immigrants"
Maureen Dowd Critiques: 'Thin-Skinned' Federal President Doesn't Like Media Portrayal
Standing Up to the Unholy Alliance Between Washington and Wall Street
The Three Biggest Myths About Tax Cuts and the Budget Deficit
IMF Staff: The Fundamental Determinants of Credit Default Risk for European Large Complex Financial Institutions
The Limitless Power of the Obama-Kagan Congress
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