Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Our Future World: Global megatrends that will change the way we live

Our Future World: Global megatrends that will change the way we live (2012 update)
Sep 5, 2012

The six interrelated megatrends identified in the report are:
  1. More from less. The earth has limited supplies of natural mineral, energy, water and food resources essential for human survival and maintaining lifestyles.
  2. Going, going ... gone? Many of the world's natural habitats, plant species and animal species are in decline or at risk of extinction.
  3. The silk highway. Coming decades will see the world economy shift from west to east and north to south.
  4. Forever young. The ageing population is an asset. Australia and many other countries that make up the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have an ageing population.
  5. Virtually here. This megatrend explores what might happen in a world of increased connectivity where individuals, communities, governments and businesses are immersed into the virtual world to a much greater extent than ever before.
  6. Great expectations. This is a consumer, societal, demographic and cultural megatrend.It explores the rising demand demand for experiences over products and the rising importance of social relationships.