Margaret M. McCarthy, Geert J. De Vries, Nancy G. Forger, 5.01 - Sexual Differentiation of the Brain: A Fresh Look at Mode, Mechanisms, and Meaning, Editor(s): Donald W. Pfaff, Marian Joƫls, Hormones, Brain and Behavior (Third Edition), Academic Press, 2017, Pages 3-32,
Abstract: This is an exciting time to study sex differences in the brain. Fifty-plus years of building on the foundations established by the organizational/activational hypothesis proposed by Phoenix and colleagues to explain steroid hormone action on the brain has provided an increasingly complex and nuanced view of how the brain develops differently in males and females. In this chapter we first discuss the things we know; there are sex differences in physiology and behavior, in susceptibility to diseases of the nervous system including mental health disorders, and in neuroanatomical and neurochemical measures. These sex differences depend on androgens, estrogens, and sometimes sex chromosomal complement (XX vs XY) acting during development as well as in adulthood, and yet the manifestation of these sex differences may be context dependent. There are four key cellular processes that could potentially underlie sexual differentiation of the brain: cell birth, cell death, cell migration, and cell differentiation, and we discuss the evidence for each in detail. Lastly, we review what we consider major emerging areas and unanswered questions in the field, including the function of sex differences, why they persist, and what they mean.
Keywords: Androgen; Anteroventral periventricular nucleus; Astrocyte; Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; Bulbocavernosus; Cell death; Dendritic spine; Differentiation; Epigenetic; Estrogen; Hypothalamus; Partner preference; Preoptic area; Sex chromosome; Sex difference; Spinal cord; Vasopressin Is Partner Preference Sexually Dimorphic?
Sexual orientation, also referred to as sexual partner preference,
is defined by the sex of the individuals that are arousing or attractive
to the reference individual, whether it be an individual of the
opposite sex (heterosexual), the same sex (homosexual), or both
sexes (bisexual). The estimated frequency of homosexuality in
humans ranges from 2% to 10%, suggesting that the large
majority of males are sexually oriented toward females and the
majority of females are sexually oriented towardmales. The overwhelming
prevalence of one sex preferring the other is a constant
across all vertebrate species, as would quite naturally be expected
from the point of view of reproductive success. Nonetheless,
what draws the majority of attention is the much less frequent
phenotype of same-sex preference. Notably, the biological basis
of sexual orientation is a matter of impassioned debate only
when it involves discussion of the etiology of homosexuality.
Few seem to question whether opposite-sex orientation is biological.
But actually we understand little about opposite-sex
attraction, and it can be argued that understanding the biological
basis of same-sex orientation would be greatly advanced by
understanding opposite-sex orientation. Thus, a fundamental
question is whether sexual orientation per se is sexually
The answer to this may depend on how you pose the question.
If we state that the majority of males prefer females as
sexual partners and the majority of females prefer males, then
this sounds like a profoundly sexually dimorphic and presumably
differentiated response. Antecedent to this view would be
the assumption that distinct biological processes drive the
neural substrate of partner preference to either a male bias or
a female bias. The existence of distinct processes for a male preference
versus a female preference provides a ready explanation
for why some females prefer other females, some males prefer
males, and why some individuals have no preference.
However, if we take the view that the majority of animals prefer
the opposite sex as partners, then there is no sex difference as
the same drive exists in males and females but it is manifest
differently as a function of one’s own sex. This means that
a component of the neural response is computation of one’s
own sex, which then determines the response to others’ sex.
Given the intensity and early onset of both internal and
external influences of sex on brain development, this is not
outside the realm of possibility. In humans, we are unlikely
to ever be able to definitively separate the impact of nature
from nurture, and our best alternative is the study of naturally
occurring or experimentally manipulated variation in sexual
preference in animals.
The current state of the art of partner preference research is
found on several fronts. These include studies of the programming
effects of gonadal steroids and early experience on partner
preference, the neuroanatomical loci controlling partner preference,
and the study of naturally occurring variation in partner
preference in animal models. Consistent evidence supports
the view that partner preference is organized by gonadal
steroids, such that perinatal androgens, with aromatization to
estrogens in rodents, direct the formation of preference for
a female sexual partner (Brand et al., 1991; Vega Matuszczyk
et al., 1988). In many mammals, odors are the primary signal
indicating sex. Preference can be assessed by determining the
amount of time a test subject prefers to spend with male versus
female stimulus animals or by the amount of time spent investigating
odors generated by stimulus animals. Male- versus
female-specific odors can induce a differential brain response
in the same animal, and likewise, animals of opposite sex
will respond to the same odor differently (Bakker et al.,
1996; Woodley and Baum, 2004). The latter speaks to the
sexual differentiation of partner preference and suggests that
the olfactory system may be the initiation point for subsequent
behavioral responses. In many species, if olfaction is blocked,
there is no partner preference to measure.
Olfaction is important to humans as well, but visual stimuli
are far more potent and the arousal potential of same-sex versus
opposite-sex images depends on the partner preference of the
observer (see for review Baum, 2006). Zebra finches are also
heavily dependent upon vision for expressing partner preference,
and steroids influence partner preference in this species as well
(Adkins-Regan and Leung, 2006). The effect is context dependent,
however, because early experience, i.e., being raised in an
environment with a skewed sex ratio, can also strongly influence
adult partner preference in zebra finches.
The neuroanatomical substrate of partner preference begins
with that portion of the brain detecting and decoding the
sex-specific sensory signals originating from the stimulus
animal, be they olfactory, visual, or auditory. But from there,
all signals appear to converge on the POA, and in particular
an SDN within the POA (see Baum, 2006). An SDN is present
in the POA not only in rats, but also in sheep, gerbils, ferrets,
hamsters, and humans. Lesions of the SDN and its surround
in rats and ferrets either eliminate or reverse sexual preference
(for review, see Baum, 2006). In humans, the third interstitial
nucleus of the hypothalamus (INAH3) may be homologous
to the SDN-POA of rats and is larger in men than women
(Allen et al., 1989). Levay (1991) found that INAH3 is
smaller in homosexual men than in heterosexual men, and
a second study found a mean difference in the same direction
that did not, however, reach statistical significance (Byne
et al., 2001). Thus, the size of INAH3 may be a marker of
partner preference in men, although this conclusion is not
without its detractors.
Another approach is the use of biomarkers to determine if
an individual was exposed to an endocrine environment
in utero that varies from the norm for that sex. These biomarkers
include long bone length, hand digit ratio, and the detection of
small noises made by the inner ear. In general, these studies
support the conclusion that the prenatal hormonal milieu
contributes to the propensity to show same-sex orientation
(Balthazart, 2016). But in many human and animal studies,
a major and unavoidable confound is either the use of surgical
manipulations, such as lesions, or the health status of the
affected individuals, such as the number of HIV-infected
subjects in the homosexual group in human studies. Neither
of these criticisms applies to the study of a naturally occurring
variant of homosexuality, the male-preferring domestic ram.
In at least two different study populations, approximately 8%
of rams prefer to mount other male rams. The frequency of
the phenotype is similar to that observed in humans, and there
are no clear external markers of male-preferring rams. Analyses
of the brain reveal that the SDN of male-preferring rams is
smaller than that of rams that prefer ewes, and it contains fewer
aromatase-expressing neurons. This suggests reduced neuronal
exposure to estradiol developmentally and in adulthood may
be a critical variable in the establishment of same-sex preference
in this species (Roselli et al., 2004).
Thus, on balance, we can conclude that partner preference
is sexually differentiated and that there is an important role for
gonadal steroid exposure in the organization of partner preference,
but early experience may also be important. The primary
detection of the sensory stimulus emanating from a potential
partner is a critical initiating step but the integration and
response to the stimulus appear to be encoded within the
POA. While these are important advances, there remains
much to be learned. Work on the genetics of partner preference
generated a great deal of interest in the early 1990s
(Hammer et al., 1993), but there has been little progress on
that front. There is a continuing interest in the role of birth
order and correlations with handedness, particularly for
male homosexuality, and the proposal of the maternal
immune hypothesis (Blanchard et al., 2006). But again, we
know far less than we should. Moreover, the preponderance
of information is weighted toward understanding male, as
opposed to female partner preferences, although this may be
defensible given the health implications for male versus
female homosexuality. Regardless, progress on both is likely
to remain slow given the paucity of researchers and resources
currently dedicated to this topic. Is the Human Brain Sexual Differentiated?
To some an affirmative answer to this question is self-evident:
how could the human brain not be subject to the same process
that occurs in the majority if not all other mammals as well as
many birds, reptiles, and amphibians? Even invertebrates have
brains that differ in males and females. But others argue, ‘not so
fast, humans are exceptional in many ways.’ We are the only
species with complex computational abilities and a sophisticated
language that includes generation of an historical record.
We also have rich cultural and societal rituals and expectations
that include prescriptions of the appropriate behavior for boys
and girls, men and women. These rules and expectations are
imposed on children even before they are born with the choice
of a gender-typical name and continue with modes of dress and
even the manner in which adults interact with an infant of one
sex versus the other. Thus as we have mentioned many times in
this chapter, it is impossible to parse out the influence of environment
and experience from biology when considering the
brain and behavior of humans. Nonetheless, it is worth a try.
One powerful approach is the study of children at a young
age. While the influence of environment and experience cannot
be eliminated, it is at least lessened compared to that of a fullgrown
adult. Toy choice reflects an interest in different types of
objects, and this varies on average between boys and girls. The
data are messy, with many boys willing to play with girls’ toys
on occasion, and vice versa. One of the strongest influences is
whether a child has a sibling of the opposite sex, demonstrating
the importance both of exposure and of modeling the behavior
of other children. Nonetheless, on average, boys spend more
time with certain types of toys and girls with others. Melissa
Hines has spent most of her career studying this phenomenon
and whether prenatal exposure to androgens in girls can influence
toy choice. She and others have consistently found that
androgen-exposed girls shift their toy preference to that of
boys (reviewed in Hines, 2006). So does this mean there is
a ‘toy’ nucleus in the brain that directs boys to like trucks and
girls to like dolls? That seems unlikely. Hines and colleagues
recently added a new dimension to the sexual differentiation
of play with the observation that girls prefer to mimic the
behavior of other girls or women and that it is this aspect of
their brain development that is influenced by hormones, not
the desire to play with a particular object or in a particular
way (Hines et al., 2016). In girls exposed to androgens in utero,
the desire to mimic other females is lost, and for reasons not
well understood, their preference shifts to toys normally
preferred by boys.
The work of Hines and others speaks to the behavior of
humans, but, as noted above, brain and behavior are not
always closely aligned. Many neuroanatomical sex differences
have been reported in the human brain, but the majority of
these relied on postmortem tissue. Because of this, the majority
also involved the brains of adults although one remarkable
study looked at a nucleus in the hypothalamus from many
different individuals ranging from birth to old age and found
a sex difference that did not appear until late adolescence
and then waned again in older adults (Swaab et al., 2003).
More recently, researchers have taken advantage of noninvasive
imaging techniques that allow for longitudinal analyses of the
same individual as they mature. The magnitude and direction
of sex differences varies with the mode of data acquisition and
analyses (i.e., correcting for total brain volume or not), but
differences in the developmental trajectory of the peak of
cortical gray matter are reliably found and modulated by
androgen receptor allelic variation as well as androgen levels.
White matter increases more rapidly in male brains as development
proceeds and combined with differences in gray matter
amplify the magnitude of sex differences across the life span
(reviewed in Giedd et al., 2012).
More recently advances in imaging have allowed formeasurement
of functional connectivity. Images from almost 1000
humans revealed a profound sex difference in the ‘connectome,’
with females showing strong interhemispheric connectivity and
males the opposite, strong intrahemispheric connections
(Ingalhalikar et al., 2014). The authors interpreted their findings
as supportive of the view that females engage multiple tasks at
once and are highly social whilemales are focused systematizers.
This stereotypical view generated a firestorm of criticism. In
response the authors went on to use a computerized battery of
neurocognitive tasks in combination with imaging and largely
supported their original conclusions (Tunc et al., 2016), but the
controversy here is certainly not resolved.
On the opposite end of the spectrum and equally controversial
was a recent report that reexamined several studies
involving imaging and gender-typical activities. Here the
authors concluded that there was no clear predictability of
sex based on the mean responses (Joel et al., 2015). Instead,
they concluded, every brain is a mosaic of male-like, femalelike,
and neutral features, and therefore there is no such thing
as a ‘male brain’ or a ‘female brain.’ In some ways this conclusion
is intuitively obvious and consistent with the high degree
of regionally specific mechanisms establishing sex differences
in the brain as determined in rodent models. But the finding
was largely misinterpreted by the lay media as demonstrating
there are no sex differences in the brain, which was not the
case even in the Joel et al. study.
This serves as a fitting conclusion to our long treatise on the
modes, mechanisms, and meanings of sex differences in the
brain as it so aptly demonstrates how much we still have to
learn. In some ways, the topic of sex differences in the brain
remains as controversial today as when the first reports were
made in the late 1960s early 1970s. With the changing policies
at major granting agencies, there is likely to be more, not fewer
reports of brain and behavior sex differences. This makes even
more salient the admonishment that scientists bear the burden
of assuring their work is not used or interpreted inappropriately
(Maney, 2016). It is essential that we ‘get it right’ as the implications
of sex differences research reach far beyond the laboratory
to medical, educational, and public health policies that
impact the daily lives of all members of society.
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