Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Shorter height and long-bone growth in the arms and legs were more evident among sao praphet song—who are both sexually oriented towards men and markedly feminine

An anthropometric study of sexual orientation and gender identity in Thailand. Malvina N. Skorska, Lindsay A. Coome, Diana E. Peragine, Madison Aitken & Doug P. VanderLaan. Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 18432. Sep 16 2021. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-97845-9

Abstract: The biodevelopment of psychological sex differentiation is putatively reflected in several anthropometrics. We examined eight anthropometrics in 1404 Thai participants varying in sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity/expression: heterosexual men and women, gay men, lesbian women, bisexual women, sao praphet song (transgender birth-assigned males), toms (transgender birth-assigned females), and dees (birth-assigned females attracted to toms). Exploratory factor analyses indicated the biomarkers should be analyzed independently. Using regressions, in birth-assigned males, less male-typical second-to-fourth digit ratios in the left hand were associated with sexual orientation towards men regardless of gender identity/expression, whereas shorter height and long-bone growth in the arms and legs were more evident among sao praphet song—who are both sexually oriented towards men and markedly feminine. In birth-assigned females, there were no clear sexual orientation effects, but there were possible gender-related effects. Groups of individuals who tend to be more masculine (i.e., toms, lesbians) showed more male-typical patterns on weight and leg length than some groups of individuals who tend to be less masculine (i.e., heterosexual women, dees). Thus, it appears the various anthropometrics inform separate biodevelopmental processes that differentially relate to sexual orientation and gender identity/expression depending on the measure in question as well as birth-assigned sex.


This study examined a comprehensive set of putative anthropometric biomarkers of brain and behavioral sex differentiation in the largest and most diverse sample to date. Using EFA, the several biomarkers previously independently associated with sexual orientation and/or gender identity/expression were reduced to three factors: body size (i.e., height, leg length, arm length, and weight had the highest loadings), hand ratio (i.e., right and left hand width-to-length ratios had the highest loadings), and digit ratio (i.e., left and right 2D:4D had the highest loadings). However, we were not able to demonstrate that these factors were invariant across groups, indicating that the manner in which these biomarkers relate to one another varies in relation to sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity/expression. Further, contrary to the possibility that the sex difference in 2D:4D reflects allometry38,39, lower 2D:4D among individuals assigned male at birth than those assigned female at birth was not associated with greater physical size with respect to the average length of the second and fourth digits, hand length, or height. Based on these observations, one cannot conclude that the various biomarkers examined here reflect some latent biodevelopmental process(es) influencing sex differentiation. Instead, the present analysis suggests they may each provide unique insights. Thus, examining individual biomarkers should be considered as a tenable approach when investigating their associations with traits such as sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity/expression.

Importantly, heterosexual sex differences were found for each of the individual biomarkers. Consistent with prior research in the West12,30,34,49, compared with heterosexual women, heterosexual men were taller, heavier, had longer arms and legs, had wider hands, and lower 2D:4D than heterosexual women. Thus, we were able to confirm that these biomarkers were sex-differentiated as expected among Thais, suggesting they may be useful to study in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity/expression in this population. Within-sex differences, where found, were generally consistent with the notion that developmental processes underlying the biomarkers are associated with sexual orientation and/or gender identity/expression—although the patterns of group differences varied by biomarker and by birth-assigned sex.

Among individuals assigned male at birth, height, the long bones, weight, and left 2D:4D were associated with group differences. Specifically, heterosexual men were taller and had longer arms and legs than sao praphet song. These differences could reflect differential androgenic effects on long bone growth at the prenatal and/or pubertal window(s) of development. Long bone growth is influenced in part by androgens acting on androgen receptors, and epiphysial closure is influenced by estrogens50,51. Sex differences in these biomarkers generally appear during puberty, with surges in androgens influencing their development during prenatal and pubertal development17. Social factors (e.g., stress, nutrition, social roles) have also been related to the development of these biomarkers17,18,19,36. Processes such as these that are tied to height and the growth of long bones within the prenatal and pubertal windows may, therefore, be implicated in these group differences. Gay men were intermediate relative to heterosexual men and sao praphet song on these measures but did not differ significantly from either group. This pattern could reflect a “dosage” effect, but such an interpretation is tentative in the absence of significant group differences. In any case, it appears that differences from heterosexual men in height and long bone growth are more evident among the androphilic birth-assigned males who are more markedly feminine in their gender expression (i.e., sao praphet song) in the current sample. In this respect, our findings parallel those of prior Western research suggesting smaller body size among androphilic birth-assigned males who are more feminine25,41. Our findings, however, do not align with other Western research that has found that gay men were shorter than heterosexual men20,21,22,24, although degree of femininity was not assessed in these samples.

Regarding weight, gay men weighed less than heterosexual men, supporting some previous studies in the West24,30. Furthermore, sao praphet song weighed marginally less than heterosexual men (p = 0.051, see Table S16), which aligns with the shorter stature of sao praphet song relative to heterosexual men, and providing some support for one Western study of transgender same-sex attracted birth-assigned males25. Gay men did not show significant skeletal differences (i.e., height, long bone growth) but nevertheless weighed less than heterosexual men, suggesting that this group difference likely resulted from differences in muscle and fat mass. Indeed, compared with heterosexual men, gay men are more likely to use diet pills, diet, purge, fast to lose weight, be dissatisfied with their appearance, and experience eating disorders52,53,54. However, the extent to which such tendencies also apply to gay men in Thailand is not known, and so this interpretation should be considered speculative.

We also found that, compared with heterosexual men, left 2D:4D was significantly greater among both gay men and sao praphet song, who did not differ significantly from one another. Digit ratio is argued to develop mostly under the influence of prenatal androgen exposure, given fetal 2D:4D sex differences55, but also via some genetic influence56, with no evidence indicating sociocultural influences10. The pattern of group differences suggests these biodevelopmental processes are linked to a sexual orientation effect whereby androphilia in birth-assigned males is associated with more female-typical digit ratio, regardless of whether gender expression is relatively feminine. As such, this pattern runs contrary to a recent study that reported digit ratio was more female-typical among gay men who expressed feminine gender role behavior57. Further, meta-analyses have suggested digit ratio is more female-typical (vs. heterosexual men) among trans women16, but not gay men12 (but see findings with an adolescent sample58). Given the discrepant findings, it will be important for future research to continue to examine digit ratio in relation to both sexual orientation and gender identity/expression.

Of note, the present study found group differences for left, but not right, 2D:4D. Prior research similarly found sex assigned at birth and sexual orientation digit ratio differences are more apparent in one hand than the other (i.e., either non-existent or smaller in effect size in one hand); however, effects have typically been more apparent on the right, not left, hand2,12,58,59. An exception is a Japanese study of digit ratio that reported a male sexual orientation difference on the left, but not right, hand60. Thus, although we did not find associations between digit ratio and male sexual orientation in both hands, such effects are commonly found in only one hand, or are found to be stronger in one hand, and the group differences observed in left, but not right, 2D:4D among individuals assigned male at birth in the current study are consistent with research in another Asian population. Reasons why this might be the case for certain populations requires further research.

Regarding hand ratios, we did not find any group differences among heterosexual men, gay men, and sao praphet song. As such, our findings did not replicate those of an earlier study that reported lower hand width-to-length ratios among gay, compared with heterosexual, men30. Of the anthropometrics that have been studied in relation to male sexual orientation, hand ratios have been examined seldomly, and to our knowledge have not been examined in relation to gender identity/expression. Further research is needed to determine whether hand ratios are likely to be informative of biodevelopmental processes influencing male sexual orientation and/or gender identity/expression.

Among individuals assigned female at birth, group differences on the various biomarkers did not correspond to differences in androphilic vs. gynephilic sexual orientation but instead tended to correspond to gender-related differences. Toms, who are more masculine-presenting than the other birth-assigned female participants, were heavier than heterosexual women, lesbians, and dees, who are all more feminine-presenting. There is some research suggesting that more masculine (butch) lesbians have greater circulating testosterone levels, higher waist-to-hip ratios, more masculine digit ratios, and greater recalled childhood gender-nonconforming behavior than more feminine (femme) lesbians and heterosexual women2,61,62. Thus, the weight result may support some role of androgens in the development of tom identity, although there was no support for a dosage effect and interpretative caution is warranted given the only difference in 2D:4D is opposite to what would be expected (see below).

We also found that toms and lesbians had longer legs than dees. Despite these group differences in leg length, there were no differences among the birth-assigned female groups in height, corroborating most previous findings suggesting no relationship between height and sexual orientation in females20,21,22, cf.23 and suggesting leg length may be the more relevant proxy to consider among females (also see30). The leg length pattern observed here might reflect that more male-typical leg length has a biodevelopmental association with attraction to feminine partners (as displayed by toms and lesbians) vs. masculine partners (as displayed by dees). That said, if such were the case, one would expect heterosexual women to show shorter legs as well given they are, relatively speaking, attracted to masculine men. Alternatively, these leg length differences may be related to gender role expression. In Thailand, the gender role behavior of toms and lesbians appears to be relatively more masculine than that of heterosexual women and dees, and dees are less masculine than heterosexual women48. Thus, group differences in degree of masculine gender role expression might account for why only dees and not heterosexual women had shorter leg length than toms and lesbians.

There were also some unexpected group differences among individuals assigned female at birth. First, contrary to the prediction that more masculine groups would show lower 2D:4D, toms had higher left 2D:4D than lesbian women. That said, lack of support for our prediction is not necessarily out of step with other literature given recent meta-analytic findings suggesting no differences in 2D:4D between heterosexual women and trans men16. As such, processes contributing to digit ratio might not be related to the development of masculine identity among individuals assigned female at birth. Second, heterosexual women had lower (more feminine) right-hand width-to-length ratios than dees. Hand development is thought to be influenced by androgens modulating specific homeobox genes63, with some evidence also pointing to hand use during childhood26,64. Given dees were the only group of female gynephiles who had more masculine right-hand ratios than heterosexual women, this finding provided relatively weak evidence of female sexual orientation being influenced by such mechanisms.

Overall, the current pattern of results for individuals assigned female at birth may support some role of elevated androgens in the development of toms and lesbians—although there was no clear support for a dosage effect and interpretative caution is warranted given several null differences from female comparators (e.g., lack of difference with heterosexual women in leg length). In any case, the body of evidence for a biological basis to the development of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression in females cannot be discounted2,65,66 and the present findings suggest that gender-related factors should continue to be assessed in biomarker studies of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression in individuals assigned female at birth. Moreover, further research examining cross-cultural (in)consistencies in biomarker expression patterns among birth-assigned females is needed. Given previous suggestions that sexual orientation and gender identity/expression are more fluid and/or influenced by sociocultural factors among birth-assigned females than males45,67,68,69, one might expect more inconsistency in biomarker patterns across populations among the former. In other words, there are potentially more factors beyond biological mechanisms of sex differentiation contributing to female, compared with male, sexuality and gender identity/expression. If so, among female groups within particular populations, these alternative factors may to some extent obscure group differences related to biological mechanisms.


Biomarkers provide an indirect assessment of the mechanisms purported to influence sex differentiation of the brain and behavior, including sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. Future research examining how these biomarkers relate to brain sex differences or, where possible, longitudinal studies that measure these mechanisms directly and link them to later behavioral outcomes would be valuable. Previous studies have shown measurement of 2D:4D and sex differences in 2D:4D to be impacted by indirect (e.g., photocopies) versus direct measurement70,71. Given we employed a direct method of measurement, group differences may be impacted in future replications of this work. Also, an EFA approach to studying a comprehensive set of biomarkers in both sexes and in relation to both sexual orientation and gender diversity has not been reported in studies of Western samples, making it somewhat difficult to compare the current EFA-based results to previous studies conducted with Western samples. Thus, replication of this approach in a Western sample is an important future direction.

Convenience and non-random sampling, primarily in an urban center, was utilized in the current study, which limits generalizability of our findings to the general Thai population, rural Thailand, or other non-Western cultures. We note, however, that although representative samples would be worthwhile to collect, these tend to suffer from small sample sizes of sexually and gender diverse participants21. Also, although the final sample size was comparatively large for studies in this literature, group sizes were relatively smaller for bisexual women and lesbian women, which might reflect that it is more normative in Thai culture for same-sex attracted females to identify with the categories of dees or toms rather than the more Western-style categories of bisexual and lesbian45. Other groups could not be included due to their small sample size (i.e., bisexual men, transgender men). We were unable to examine biomarkers in sao praphet song primarily attracted to women, or toms primarily attracted to men. These gaps may be due to cultural norms surrounding the gender identification and sexual preferences of third/nonbinary gender individuals within Thai society45. More targeted approaches to recruiting may facilitate broader and larger samples in which such groups are represented and would benefit the aim of disentangling sexual orientation from gender identity.

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