Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Openness to Experience is by far the strongest (negative) correlate of conservatism, but that there is little evidence to suggest that this association is causal

Osborne, Danny, Nicole Satherley, and Chris G. Sibley. 2021. “Personality and Ideology: A Meta-analysis of the Reliable, but Non-causal, Association Between Openness and Conservatism.” PsyArXiv. August 10. doi:10.31234/osf.io/esrku

Abstract: Research over the last three decades reveals that Openness to Experience—a personality trait that captures interest in novelty, creativity, unconventionalism, and open-mindedness—correlates negatively with political conservatism. Here, we summarise this vast literature by meta-analysing 232 unique samples (N = 575,691) that examine the relationship between the Big Five and conservatism. Results reveal that the negative relationship between Openness to Experience and conservatism is nearly twice as big as the next strongest correlation between personality and ideology (namely, Conscientiousness and conservatism; rs = −.145 and .076, respectively). The associations between traits and conservatism were, however, substantively smaller in non-WEIRD (Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic) countries. We conclude by reviewing recent longitudinal work demonstrating that Openness to Experience and conservatism are non-causally related. Collectively, our chapter shows that Openness to Experience is by far the strongest (negative) correlate of conservatism, but that there is little evidence to suggest that this association is causal.

Inferring Organizational Trust From the Presence of Women: The processes & practices of male-dominated organizational culture can leave a residue of mistrust, but viewing women in leadership is one beacon illuminating paths upward

My Fair Lady? Inferring Organizational Trust From the Mere Presence of Women in Leadership Roles. Mansi P. Joshi, Amanda B. Diekman. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, August 5, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1177/01461672211035957

Abstract: The history of male dominance in organizational hierarchy can leave a residue of mistrust in which women in particular do not expect fair treatment. The mere presence of a female leader relative to a male leader led perceivers to anticipate fairer treatment in that organization (Study 1) and greater projected salary and status (Study 2). This mere presence effect occurred uniquely through communal and not agentic affordances; these patterns emerged especially or only for women. Female leaders cued organizational trust in both male- and female-dominated industries (Study 3) and when they occupied different levels of the organizational hierarchy (Study 4). When information about organizational communal affordances is directly communicated, both female and male leaders signal trust (Study 5). The processes and practices of male-dominated organizational culture can leave a residue of mistrust, but viewing women in leadership is one beacon illuminating paths forward and upward.

Keywords: organizational trust, leadership, gender, communal affordances

Top, Bottom, and Versatile Orientations among Adolescent Sexual Minority Men: Data from our study supports sexual self-labeling occurring before adulthood, during adolescence for sexual minority men

Top, Bottom, and Versatile Orientations among Adolescent Sexual Minority Men. David A. Moskowitz et al. The Journal of Sex Research, Jul 26 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2021.1954583

Abstract: Sexual role preference or self-label (i.e., top, versatile, or bottom) has been well studied in samples of sexual minority men (SMM) but lacks research among adolescent sexual minority men (ASMM). In response, data were collected from 302 ASMM (15–18 years old), measuring sexual self-label, relationship and sexual experience, sexually explicit media use, use of geosocial networking applications, penis size satisfaction, and gender atypicality. Results showed there was no significant difference in the distribution of sexual position self-identity in ASMM when compared with data from published, adult samples. A model that associated sexual socialization factors with adopting any self-label was significant, with greater number of partners, previous geosocial networking app use, and more relationship experience being positive predictors of having a label. Additionally, a model that tested the convergent validity between self-label and enacted sexual behaviors was significant. Both receptive and insertive sex enactments were highly correlated with corresponding labels. Lastly, gender atypicality and penis size satisfaction were significant predictors of sexual position self-identity. Data from our study supports sexual self-labeling occurring before adulthood, during adolescence for SMM. Furthermore, it shows that socialization factors (e.g., partner frequency, using apps) are important in the development of sexual position self-identity in this population.

Female relationship & sexual satisfaction were related to male psychopathic traits: Male meanness & disinhibition were negative predictors of female satisfaction; male boldness & social status were positive predictors

When your beloved is a psychopath. Psychopathic traits and social status of men and women's relationship and sexual satisfaction. Irena Pilch, Justyna Lipka, Julia Gnielczyk. Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 184, January 2022, 111175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2021.111175


• Female relationship and sexual satisfaction were related to male psychopathic traits.

• Male meanness and disinhibition were negative predictors of female satisfaction.

• Male boldness and social status were positive predictors of female satisfaction.

• Boldness attenuated the negative effect of disinhibition on relationship satisfaction.

• Boldness attenuated the negative effect of meanness on relationship satisfaction.

Abstract: The triarchic psychopathy model was used to investigate the effects of male psychopathy on female satisfaction in a female community sample (N = 1945). We examined the associations of the psychopathic traits of a male romantic partner (in the perception of his female partner) with relationship satisfaction and sexual satisfaction assessed by the female partner. Negative relationships were observed between men's disinhibition and meanness and women's relationship and sexual satisfaction. Men's boldness was positively associated with perceived men's social status, and it predicted higher satisfaction of female partners. Quantile regression confirmed the unique relationships between satisfaction, psychopathic traits, and social status. These associations were stronger when the levels of satisfaction were low. Interaction analysis showed that meanness potentiated the effects of disinhibition, and boldness attenuated the effects of disinhibition and meanness on relationship satisfaction. The results confirmed the specificity of disinhibition, meanness, and boldness as three distinct psychopathic traits with potentially different impacts on romantic relationships.

Keywords: PersonalityPsychopathic traitsTriarchic psychopathy modelRomantic relationship satisfactionSexual satisfactionBoldnessMeannessDisinhibition

The Big Five Personality Traits and Earnings: These authors find weak associations between earnings and Extraversion and Agreeableness; or, if you are nice, you earn less

The Big Five Personality Traits and Earnings: A Meta-Analysis. Alderotti, Giammarco, Rapallini, Chiara, Traverso, Silvio. Global Labor Organization Discussion Paper No. 902. https://www.econstor.eu/handle/10419/236201

Abstract: The past two decades have witnessed an increasing interest in the relationship between personality and labor market outcomes, as well as the emergence of the Five-Factor Model as the reference framework for the study of personality. In this paper, we provide the first meta-analytical review of the empirical literature on the association between personal earnings and the Big Five personality traits. The analysis combines the results of 65 peer-reviewed articles published between 2001-2020, from which we retrieved 936 partial effect sizes. Overall, the primary literature provides robust support for a positive association between personal earnings and the traits of Openness, Conscientiousness, and Extraversion, while simultaneously revealing a negative and significant association between earnings and the traits of Agreeableness and Neuroticism. We find no evidence of a substantial publication bias. Meta-regression estimates suggest that Openness and Conscientiousness are positively associated with earnings even when primary researchers control for individual cognitive abilities and educational attainments. Similarly, the studies that includes labor market control variables exhibit weaker associations between earnings and Extraversion and Agreeableness. The results of the primary studies seem unaffected by the time at which the Big Five are measured, as well as by the scale and number of inventory items. Meta-regression estimates suggest that the results of the primary literature are not stable across cultures and gender, and that the ranking and academic field of the journal matter.

Subjects: Big Five personality traits, earnings, meta-analysis

JEL: J24 D91

Strengthened partisan feelings extend to economic perceptions—The gap in perceptions approximately doubled between 1999 & 2020, and partisan economic perceptions no longer seem to converge during economic crises

Cognitive Political Economy: A Growing Partisan Divide in Economic Perceptions. David W. Brady, John A. Ferejohn, Brett Parker. American Politics Research, August 4, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1177/1532673X211032107

Abstract: Research suggests that American partisans are increasingly distinct in their beliefs. These strengthened partisan feelings extend to economic perceptions—as numerous scholars have shown, there is a substantial gap between the proportion of Democrats and the proportion of Republicans that believe the economy is improving. Here, we examine the extent to which these perceptions have polarized over the past two decades and the degree to which they still respond to objective economic indicators. Exploiting a Gallup time-series, we show that the gap in economic perceptions approximately doubled between 1999 and 2020, and that partisan economic perceptions no longer seem to converge during economic crises. We further demonstrate that the economic perceptions of Democrats and Republicans have polarized relative to Independents and that this polarization is not asymmetric in magnitude. Collectively, these results document the extraordinary rise of perceptual polarization and illustrate that neither Democrats nor Republicans are immune to its effects.

Keywords: polarization, public opinion, economic perceptions, perceptual bias, economic crises

Banks that implemented antigun or progun policies experienced substantial reductions in deposit growth due to politically polarized depositors

Jeung, Jinoug, Politically Polarized Depositors (July 30, 2021). SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3896745

Abstract: Exploiting a shock drawing public attention to banks’ financial relationships with the firearms industry – Antigun activism following the 2018 Parkland shooting – this paper demonstrates that political values shape depositor behavior. I find that, following the 2018 Parkland shooting, banks that financed firearms manufacturers experienced significant decreases in deposit growth. These antigun depositor movements were stronger in counties with higher Democrat shares and for more Republican-leaning banks. Banks that implemented antigun policies also experienced substantial reductions in deposit growth, but these pro-gun depositor movements were stronger in counties with higher Republican shares. These divergent depositor movements suggest that conflicting political values between banks and depositors lead to depositor movements. Furthermore, this paper presents the implications of antigun depositor movements for the deposit market and the firearms industry. I find that antigun depositor movements deteriorated the market competitiveness of targeted banks, thus leading them to decrease deposit spreads in favor of depositors. The targeted banks’ increased costs of funding by the sluggish deposit growth and the decreased deposit spreads imposed higher financial constraints on the firearms industry, thus contracting their business.

Keywords: Depositor behavior, Political values, Social activism, CSR

JEL Classification: G21, G41, M14