Friday, January 13, 2023

A new primitive language, inspired by Mesopotamic ones & by Dylan Black's I Taught ChatGPT to Invent a Language

A new primitive language, inspired by Mesopotamic ones & by Dylan Black's I Taught ChatGPT to Invent a Language

My conversation with OpenAI...

> me: hello... may I create a new language with your help? I have a basic vocabulary to start.

> AI: Of course! I'd be happy to help you create a new language. What kind of vocabulary do you have to start with, and what kind of language are you trying to create?

> me: see these examples

water - u

cloud - un

rain - unu

river - um

creek - umu

man - a

boy - an

woman - anu

girl - am

embryo person - amu

food - e

cooking - en

pan - enu

milk - em

butter - emu

to be - i

to walk - in

to eat - inu

to sleep - im

to attack - imu

one - o

two - on

three - onu

four - om

five - omu

six - omu-o

seven - omu-on

eight - omu-onu

nine - omu-om

ten - oom

in/inside - uu

out/outside - uun

above - uunu

below - uum

bad - oo

good - oon

fast - oonu

slow - oom

AI: Those examples are a good start for creating a basic vocabulary for your new language. It seems that you're using a consistent pattern for creating new words by adding syllables to the end of a root word. For example, "water" is "u", "cloud" is "un", and "rain" is "unu". This is a common way to create new words in a constructed language.

It also appears that you are using a consistent pattern for creating different forms of a word. For example, "man" is "a", "woman" is "anu", "boy" is "an" and "girl" is "am". This is a good way to make the language easy to learn and use.

I would recommend that you create more words and test how they fit together in sentences, and maybe consider creating some grammar rules. You may also want to consider creating more numbers, words for different parts of speech, and so on, to make your language more expressive. Let me know if you want me to help you further, I'll be happy to assist you.

> me: and - ii

or - iin

could you please make sentences in the new language? Example to translate: one boy cooked food for two women and a man besides the river when it rained copiously

AI: Sure! Here is a possible translation of the sentence you provided into the new language you've created:

"oom an anu e en oon anu a ii um unu ii unu"

Here's how I arrived at that translation:

"one boy" = "oom an"

"cooked" = "en"

"food" = "e"

"for two women" = "oon anu"

"and a man" = "a ii"

"besides the river" = "um"

"when it rained copiously" = "unu ii unu"     <<< like humans did and do in many languages

Please note that the grammar and word order of the new language is not specified, thus this is just a way of putting the words together, but you may want to put some grammar rules in place to make the language more expressive.


I also tried to force things a bit...

> me: a man attacked an embryo and cooked it for the boy

> AI: "a ii amu iim an amu ii en"

Here's how I arrived at that translation:

"a man" = "a ii"

"attacked" = "iim"

"an embryo" = "an amu"

"and" = "ii"

"cooked" = "en"

"it" = "amu"

"for the boy" = "an"

[needles repetition of the previous advice]

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