Increased dominance of heat-tolerant symbionts creates resilient coral reefs in near-term ocean warming. Ana M. Palacio-Castro et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (8) e2202388120, February 13, 2023.
Significance: Global warming is causing the loss of coral reefs worldwide, as a result of heat-induced coral bleaching and mortality. Here, we examined the potential mechanisms that have increased the heat resistance of dominant framework-building coral taxa (Pocillopora spp.) on reefs in the eastern tropical Pacific. We propose that increasing abundance of a thermotolerant symbiotic alga (Durusdinium glynnii) hosted by these corals has facilitated the maintenance of high coral cover after three mass coral bleaching events. This study reveals a mechanism by which some reefs may be more resilient than previously thought and illustrates how future reefs might still maintain high cover for several decades, albeit with low diversity, provided other stressors are minimized.
Abstract: Climate change is radically altering coral reef ecosystems, mainly through increasingly frequent and severe bleaching events. Yet, some reefs have exhibited higher thermal tolerance after bleaching severely the first time. To understand changes in thermal tolerance in the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP), we compiled four decades of temperature, coral cover, coral bleaching, and mortality data, including three mass bleaching events during the 1982 to 1983, 1997 to 1998 and 2015 to 2016 El Niño heatwaves. Higher heat resistance in later bleaching events was detected in the dominant framework-building genus, Pocillopora, while other coral taxa exhibited similar susceptibility across events. Genetic analyses of Pocillopora spp. colonies and their algal symbionts (2014 to 2016) revealed that one of two Pocillopora lineages present in the region (Pocillopora “type 1”) increased its association with thermotolerant algal symbionts (Durusdinium glynnii) during the 2015 to 2016 heat stress event. This lineage experienced lower bleaching and mortality compared with Pocillopora “type 3”, which did not acquire D. glynnii. Under projected thermal stress, ETP reefs may be able to preserve high coral cover through the 2060s or later, mainly composed of Pocillopora colonies that associate with D. glynnii. However, although the low-diversity, high-cover reefs of the ETP could illustrate a potential functional state for some future reefs, this state may only be temporary unless global greenhouse gas emissions and resultant global warming are curtailed.
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